paralyzed dogs

A Friendship All Because of a Dachshund in a Wheelchair

A Friendship All Because of a Dog in a Wheelchair
from left: Ron, Cameron, Karin and Barb

If it wasn’t for bug spray, a book about a dachshund in a wheelchair named Frankie, a young boy who loves dachshunds, and a best friend who had “connections” well, I’d have never met this wonderful family, the Thein’s.

As is their tradition, every year between Christmas and New Year’s, the Thein’s make the trek from their home state of Illinois to Wisconsin to stay at one of our local resorts here in Elkhart Lake.

Okay, so I live in Wisconsin and you are perhaps wondering why bug spray is involved in winter, right?  Well, there was the time the Thein’s were here when it was warmer, and the skeeters were something fierce! And that is how this all began.

They wondered into the Feed Mill Market that once housed a grocery store and still has a retail shop and deli, looking for relief in a bottle of spray to keep the bugs away.

Instead of bug spray, young Cameron found my children’s book about my paralyzed dachshund Frankie. He was immediately drawn to her because of his love of doxie’s.

As he carried the book in his arms, the manager of the Feed Mill Market, Victoria, who is the best friend of the author of the Frankie book took notice. Oh, and I guess I might add, it would be me that is the author of said dachshund book (in case you are new here).

Victoria told young Cameron that she knew the author and Frankie, and she was pretty sure she could arrange for them to meet us. And yup, she was right. I was more than happy to make the short jaunt down to the market with Frankie after she called me.

And ever since then, most every year except for last year, when John and I went out of town after Christmas, I’ve gotten together to catch up with them.

The only thing missing the past three years though has been dear Frankie who passed away in the summer of 2012.

But each year when I spend a little time with the Thein family, I get this warm feeling inside that Frankie is wagging her tail in happiness that a friendship she helped to create continues to build memories.

Safe travels back home Thein’s and wishing you the best year ever in 2016!

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Peewee Gains Mobility for Two Days…Before Rolling Off into the Sunset

Peewee Gains Mobility for Two Days…Before Rolling Off into the Sunset

As you know, it always brings me such joy to help a paralyzed dog gain mobility again which I’m able to do because of the generous donation from others to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

Peewee is the 48th dog the Fund had the honor of gifting the freedom to walk again….

even if it was only for two days. But it was the happiest of two days this little one had, his ears flying once again in the wind…before he rolled off into the sunset.

Because of complications with other issues, Peewee’s loving guardian did what was best for him and helped him cross to the other side.

Though I’m sad for his passing and for his caretakers broken heart… there is joy in that Peewee got to be all dog again and go for a few walks in his new set of wheels.

It’s such a beautiful reminder of enjoying each precious moment we have here on earth.

And the gift that Peewee received will now be passed on as a gift to another paralyzed dog in need.  Bless you dear, Peewee.

Peewee’s wheelchair custom made by Eddie’s Wheels and his wheelchair funded by The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

The Frankie Wheelchair Fund Helps 47th Dog with a Wheelchair

The Frankie Wheelchair Fund Helps 47th Dog with a  Wheelchair

This week being close to Thanksgiving, I wish to say a very grateful thank you to everyone who has made it possible for me to help paralyzed dogs with a wheelchair to give them the gift of mobility. I couldn’t do it without you and I’m so thankful for your generosity and help through the years donating to The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

Meet Cricket! She is the 47th dog granted a wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

It still amazes me to this day how effortlessly many dogs take to their wheels and off they go, exploring and living life to the fullest.

Cricket is with Furever Dachshund Rescue when she will live out her life with Jo Anne and their permanent foster care program. She was brought to my attention by Sarah of The Smoothe Store. Sarah ran a campaign in conjunction with mine and National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day this past fall, to help raise awareness and raise funds. I’m so grateful to her and those who donated because of her efforts- thank you!

Keep on rolling, Cricket! If you’d like to donate to the care of Cricket who is on various medications and daily therapy you can do so via Furever Dachshund Rescue.

**Crickets wheelchair is custom-made by Eddie’s Wheels.

Stay tuned to meet Peewee and Canelo! Two more dogs recently granted wheelchairs through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

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