paralyzed dogs

Silence and Stillness. Crucial to Living a Meaningful Life.


I ran across this quote this morning. It really spoke to me, especially as I continue to work on the fourth draft of my second memoir, Wisdom Found in the Pause.

This book, in part, about my paralyzed dachshund Joie and her short life with me ultimately led me to not wanting to write (or talk much) after she passed away. As someone who loved to write and share my passion about special needs dogs, this felt very odd and scary.

Taking a sabbatical from everything I had known and loved to do for the prior six years, from keeping up my blog, interacting with my audience on social media, writing books, and public speaking gigs for children and adults, to now plunge into what felt like nothingness felt like the scariest thing ever.

While it was true I was craving stillness, silence, and a slowing down, I was afraid to be with my own thoughts. I was afraid to hear and examine what I knew to be true – that I wanted to let go of a chapter in my life I had so enjoyed, which at the time really didn’t make sense. The scary part also was that I didn’t know where I wanted to go next.

And being in silence can seem daunting and overwhelming to face all those fears.

While I was very restless at the beginning of my sabbatical, oftentimes feeling like I wanted to jump right out of my own skin, I’m so glad I stuck with it.

It was in that silence and stillness that the gifts started to make themselves known…and where being in the presence of silence and making friends with it I could gain more clarity. Silence and stillness is now an ongoing practice in my life, even when I veer a bit far from it I hear that inner voice calling me back – to find balance.

I believe it is crucial to pay attention to it in order to live a meaningful life.

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Come Meet Sammy! Granted a Wheelchair from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund (and available for adoption!)

Come Meet Sammy! Granted a Wheelchair from The Frankie Wheelchair Fund (and available for adoption!)

Can you say cuteness overload? Sammy’s one ear cocked to the side really gets to my heart as it reminds me of how Gidget’s one ear does the same thing.  As if she has a wire in her ear!

I learned about Sammy from Sarah of The Smoothe Store, who was instrumental in helping raise funds this past September for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund- raising $3,500!  Woo hoo!

With the help of Sarah and money raised, we were able to help Sammy currently with Dachshund Rescue of South Florida with a wheelchair.

I think it’s pretty safe to say that Sammy is oober happy in his brand new shiny wheels!  Seeing faces like Sammy just sends oodles of love to my heart.

And you can see just how fast he is in his wheels with this video on his foster mom Sandi’s Facebook page.

Want to bring Sammy into your life?  He is available for adoption!!

Stay tuned to meet Cricket soon!

Sammy’s wheelchair paid for courtesy of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund and custom made by Eddie’s Wheels for Pets.

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Come Meet Peppermint

Come Meet Peppermint
A dachshund nose always knows!

Peppermint (formerly Pepper) was paralyzed and overweight when she came into rescue with Patricia.

They knew she’d eventually need a wheelchair, but first she needed to lose weight.

With the loving care of foster mom, Lori, Peppermint found her girlish figure once again.

And as a reward, a new outfit…this one in the form of a wheelchair, so she could do what doxie’s love to do best, and that is explore, explore, explore.

Here she is at the marina sniffing up all the glorious smells of a crisp, fall day.

Keep on rolling, Peppermint!

Peppermint’s wheelchair paid for courtesy of the Frankie Wheelchair Fund and custom made by Eddie’s Wheels for Pets.

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