pet death

Hospice Care for Our Pets

The more I learn about hospice the more I see the beauty and grace of transitioning from this world to the next… wherever that may be.  I personally believe it is a wondrous place of absolute love, and that we are all reunited again… and reunited with the love of the animals we have had in our lives.

I just ran across this story about hospice care for pets.  It had many emotions in my heart swirling for many different reasons, as you will see when you watch the video.

I think it is great hospice care for our animals is gaining more acceptance and understanding.  It is something I give more thought to now than I did with my other pets.  Working as a volunteer in hospice I see some tough situations, but I also see many beautiful moments… and our pets should have the same dignity and respect as they make their journey to the other side.

What do you think of hospice for pets?


Read the full story

Grieving the Loss of a Loved Animal Companion

I came across this excellent article (link below) on what animals mean to so many of us, and how real the pain and grief is for many when they pass on.  I truly hope as a society we can understand what those of us go through who love animals deeply… or at least respect our feelings.  Sadly, there is still a stigma and people feel "embarrassed" or "weird" to openly share their grief at the loss of an animal.

It is my belief that animals are living, breathing beings.  They are different from us in that they are God's creatures, but they still bring to our lives purpose, compassion, kindness, love and understanding.  Why wouldn't we feel pain and loss when they pass on?  It is real and it hurts deeply… but the JOY they bring to our lives cannot be said in words… it can only be felt with the heart… and that is why our hearts break when they die.

So here is the link to the article.  Do share it with others and your vet office.  I belong to a pet support group and have shared this with the facilitator to have as a hand out.  I think it will greatly offer comfort to those missing there sweet furry friends.