pet loss

Sixth Graders from Longfellow Summer School Program Share their Sympathy for the Loss of Frankie

I have a huge plastic box of thank you cards I’ve gotten over the years from children after they have met Frankie.  So imagine how touched I was today to receive a big envelope with sympathy notes from a group of sixth graders. They had read Frankie’s books recently and then came to learn of Frankie’s passing.

I am at a loss of words to say what my heart was feeling reading their beautiful words. So I thought I’d just share a few of them with you, so you could also feel the love, too.

Sorry for your loss. You will not be alone. Frankie is in your heart. Frankie is a brave dog you will remember her forever. ~Daniel

Your dog Frankie was a great dog. Cute, hugable and lovable.  She was a dog that cared.  She cared about you, kids and other pets.  She was a dog that could handle big things and had a huge recovery.  ~Big Fan of Frankie, Jack

I’m so sorry for your loss.  But always remember that she is looking down from heaven and saying that “she picked me.”  You are a good person.  Thank you for your sweet books!  ~Love, Jodi

I’m very sorry for your loss.  Just remember that Frankie is always going to be looking over you.  She will never forget you or stop loving you.  I read your book like 100 times.  It’s very inspiring.  I’m your biggest fan. Good luck.  ~Love, Brianna

I am one of Frankie’s biggest fans.  I looked up to her.  She is the “walk ‘n roll dog” of my heart forever.  You are brave to go through this.  This is soooo sad.  I’m both mad and sad but mainly sad.  You are sadder than me.  She was your own dog.  Thank you for writing of her or I would not know of her.  ~Alexandria

Sorry for your loss.  Frankie was really brave and strong when she had her wheelie on. Remember her fans will still love her.  I wish she was still here today.  I miss her.  I hoe you can still live a life without Frankie.  ~Kira


Saying Goodbye to Two Dear Animal Friends: Part Two

On Tuesday I shared the loss of a very special Maine Coon cat, named Sunshine.  He was my mom’s cat, but was very much a part of my life.  Click here to read about Sunshine.

Today I share my memories of Kirby, a dachshund with much character, and who also happened to be Frankie’s boyfriend.  He left us for the Rainbow Bridge on Monday, January 17th.

Kirby stayed with our family often, while his family went on vacation.  He was a dog with a lot of spunk and you could see it the minute you were in his presence.

He could do the “stay” commandment with just his stance and a look that had my 100 lb. lab, Kylie stay right where she was laying as he pranced by.

Every time he’d come bounding through the front door, after putting Kylie in her stay position, he’d charge after the love of his life, Frankie.  After much playing and chasing, they’d often settle down to nap only as wiener dogs can do.


Kirby was a big part of our family… and yes, I even forgave his Dad for being a Viking fan.  And it was lucky for Kirby he was so cute that I did not object to his daily walks when with me, outfitted in his Viking harness and leash.

My husband John and Kirby had a special connection and we often referred to Kirby as “the little man.”  In a houseful of all girls, John always welcomed Kirby for a visit to feel not so out numbered.

Many summers on the weekends Frankie and Kirby would hang out on the deck soaking up the sun. Frankie would settle in and roll over with her belly pointing to the sky.  But, Kirby, well he had to be on patrol, keeping watch over the backyard in case of another intruder.  He wanted nothing to happen to his best girl, Frankie.

It won’t be the same not having Kirby come to visit, but like Sunshine, we feel so very blessed to have known Kirby and that his parents entrusted us to care for him like our own.

Thank you, Kirby for being the best boyfriend a wiener dog girl could ever ask for.  We know we will all meet again someday… and I will be so happy to hug you again.  Thanks for being our friend.


Nadine M. Rosin- The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood

Nadine M. Rosin, author of The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood

Last week I took part in a Twitter party sponsored by Blogpaws.  Met many interesting people who love to blog anything dogs and animals- right up my alley!  In fact, the first ever conference dedicated to blogging animals is coming up April 9th and 10th in Ohio, so check out the details.

During the Twitter party we were able to follow along and answer questions to win prizes.  I was thrilled to win a 1/2 consultation with Nadine Rosin.  She is a Holistic Pets/Toxic-Free Living Consultant, Pet Bereavement Facilitator, Speaker and Author.  Her book is The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood.

Her dog, Buttons was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 8 and was given weeks to live.  She took the holistic approach and buttons lived to almost 19 years old.  From Buttons inspiration, her book was born and now she helps other pet parents.

I learned many things on the call with Nadine.  The food we feed our pets, as well as our environment is vital to their well being.  Feeding our pets nutritious food, and home cooked if you can, is important.  If kibble is a way you need to go she suggested checking out Azmira dog food, as well as their supplements.  She suggested Dr. Lisa Neuman’s book, Three Simple Steps to a Healthy Pet which you can download for $5.95.

Nadine had many helpful suggestions on cleaning up our environment for the health of not only ourselves, but our pets, as well.  Suggestions about cleaning supplies from laundry to kitchen, to the lawn to the bowls we put our pets food in, and some things that surprised me that I was unaware of.  They are all a common sense approach, as well as affordable and easy to start implementing right away.  To get started and learn more Nadine offers a 15-minute phone consultation with a donation that is comfortable for your budget.

We also talked about pet loss.  I shared with her that at times I worry when I lose Frankie because she is everything that I do.  Most of my days center around sharing her message and it brings me so much joy.  Her suggestion was to spend time with Frankie. Just sit and be with her.  I loved that idea!  In fact, I told her I had just done that before our call.

Frankie was soaking up the mid day sunshine in front of our patio door, so I laid down next to her and sat in the moment with her.  It was divine.  She nuzzled her nose into my hair and was intent in looking into my eyes.  Nadine said, “Those are the moments that will be with you when Frankie is with you in body and then in spirit someday.”  That brought tears to my eyes and comfort and peace to my soul.

To learn more about Nadine, please visit her website.  She has a wonderful video about her dog Buttons, which moved me to tears.

Be sure to also check out her book, The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood, the true story about the human-animal bond, healing cancer holistically, senior canine care, and an empowering new take on the grieving process when a beloved animal passes away. My copy is on it’s way, so will look forward to reading it.