
Life with Dogs: Somersault Moments

20150122_092941eI remember being a kid and how I loved to do somersaults. Isn’t there just something so magical about them? Head pressing into the soft grass—ready, set, go, as you begin to roll, your feet and legs flow up over your head— over and over you go, down the hill, lost in what feels like another dimension.

These days, somersaults don’t sit well with my stomach or my head, though my heart at times wishes once again for those sweet, warm and breezy somersault days.

Instead I now experience them in a new way. Life with dogs gives me the same feeling of rolling down a hill, my heart leaping with joy, and lost in a world that time does not seem to exist.

Watching Kylie fly through the snow, or the look on Gidget’s face as I leave out the door, as if to say, “Please don’t go.”

The wag of tails greeting me when I return home. Snowy nights sitting on the sofa, next to the crackling fire in the woodstove, Gidget’s head resting in my lap.

Sitting next to Kylie as she sits at the front door, gazing out into the neighborhood. Patting her head and feeling a warm gush of what can only be unconditional love that fills my heart like nothing else.

Seeing Gidget’s black eyes peaking out the top of her kennel at me as I place my feet on the floor each morning. Scooping her into my arms and smooching her on the side of her silky soft face.

Kylie greeting me with her still puppy dog eyes as I open the bedroom door. Hugging her gently around her big ole’ bear of a neck.

The drool hitting the floor from Kylie, and the impatient pitter-pat dance of Gidget’s tiny feet as they await their breakfast. Listening to the crunch, crunch, crunch as they eat their kibble.

Walks along the path that helps to assure me that everything in life is right. Kylie’s curious exploring nature often having me turning around, calling out her name, watching as her ears fly behind her, a smile spread wide across her face, and in a full out pony run to catch up.

Gidget’s tiny feet and lopsided get-along gait, trying to keep up with the pace of everything her nose wants to take in.

The content look on their faces as they nap away the day.

Tucking them in at night. Telling each how much I love them. Thanking them for being my friends.

Looking forward to the next day and doing it all again. These are my somersault moments of today.

Is this When My Love Affair with Animals Began?

barb and kitty eI don’t remember much from being a little girl. Well, yes, bits and parts, it’s details I don’t remember like so many others seem to. This has always bothered me because John can remember so much of his childhood – even when he was 2-years old.

The other day, my mom gave me this photo of me as a little girl with our cat Tiger. I love to see photos like this trying to remember details. What was going through my head at that age? Is this when my love for animals began?

But the cards were against me and my love of animals, when I was diagnosed with asthma. One of the biggest culprits to bring on my attacks was animal dander — especially from cats. It seemed such a cruel trick for someone like myself who loves animals.

As a child, I remember we had to find a new home for our poodle, Pixie. Turning blue and freaking my mom out all the time was taking it’s toll I suppose. I say that lightly, but if I could get in my head at that age, I’d likely have taken not breathing well over having a pet.

That is how it would play out when I got married and had a home of my own. I wanted a cat so bad. I was willing to deal with the “inconvenience” of my lungs not being able to take in air very well.

To some, I know that sounds odd. But being around animals is what makes my heart sing. It never seemed fair that I had to deal with this health challenge when I love animals so much.

For many years, John and I had cats. Jezabelle, Conway, Tigger, Sally, Tucker and Dani. Not all at one time of course, but three at one time.

It really wasn’t until the last one, Dani, passed away quite a few years ago that we decided no more cats. It would also be a few months later that I realized how my breathing changed for the better.

Having dogs, luckily, are a different story as their dander does not bother me nearly as much. So I guess this is the compromise – dogs and happy lungs. I can live with that.

But, oh, if I had my way, I’d have a whole farm of animals to tend to. Maybe in my next life. And please, dear universe, grant me wonderful lungs then too.

One Year Ago Today…


One year ago today… this loving, adorable little creature graced me with her love and wisdom.

When I adopted Gidget from On My Way Home Dachshund Rescue they weren’t exactly sure how old she was – perhaps between 6 or 7. It is also unclear when her birthday is.

But age isn’t important — it is that we found each other — and so we celebrate today that we came into each others lives and our hearts found comfort and purpose.

A day she found her forever home and the day my heart expanded to love once again. This is a day of celebration.

A day to celebrate all Gidget has been for me. My joy, my laughter, my stillness, my teacher, my guide, my faithful companion, my mirror, my cuddle bug, my strength, my inspiration, and…I could go on forever, really.

It is amazing how one tiny 9 lb. dog can fill a whole room with such brilliant light and huge love. She is one-of-a-kind and I feel incredibly grateful to call her friend.