
Me and My Shadow. My Aha! Moment.

me and my shadowI had an aha! moment as I was uploading this photo to edit it. I took it over the weekend while sitting on the deck. I love how you can see my shadow with Gidget looking on.

Gidget loves being with me, but she is also the first dachshund I’ve had that seems more independent. She is content to hang out beside me on the deck and doesn’t need to be in my lap all the time. Frankie and Joie, the moment I sat down in my Adirondack chair, would be at my feet pleading with their dark enticing eyes, “Please pick me up and hold me.”

As I thought about this looking at the picture, it struck me once again how we get the dog we need at different times in our life. I’ve become more independent, content to be on my own, and alone more often. I trust more in who I am and what I need. While I enjoy some social time, I also need lots of time alone.

This is where I am in my life right now. It wasn’t all this way. All those years of being in the “spotlight” with Frankie were times I wouldn’t trade for the world. But I have to say this “inner” work I’ve been doing more of lately, fits me too. Sure, sometimes I’m restless with it, but for the most part, I feel like this is the place I’m supposed to be right now in this space and time.

Gidget is that reflection for me. What a beautiful reminder this photo (and Gidget) is.

How My Dog Joie & Joan Anderson’s memoir, “The Second Journey” Taught Me about the Importance of Learning to Pause.

joie 1200I was so exciting to read on Facebook today that one of my favorite authors books is being made into a motion picture. Well, actually, three of Joan Anderson’s memoirs are being rolled into one for the movie, A Year by the Sea which is also the name of her first book.  I’ve read all her books twice, with the exception of The Second Journey which I’ve read three times.

I actually got tears in my eyes when I saw the announcement because Joan’s books mean that much to me. They’ve helped me in countless ways.

I’ll be quoting Joan in my upcoming book, Joie’s Gift: Finding Purpose in the Pause. I actually may end up quoting her more than once, though I’m not that far along in my manuscript to know for sure. But the journal I kept during my sabbatical has many of her quotes that spoke to me during that time. Her books were the one’s I turned to once again seeking answers to my many unanswered questions.

At the time, which was last fall, I felt completely empty and spent after Joie passed away. I just didn’t know where my life was headed. Joan’s memoirs helped me to see once again, that pause’s in ones life are necessary to move forward.

I’ve written about this before, but with this announcement of the movie, it brought it all back for me again and the utterly amazing moment that happened to me a few weeks after Joie died.

Reading from The Second Journey, I came across the following passage which resonated with me deeply, which I read out loud to John and my friend Cassy who were with me at the time:

“Nothing happens overnight. Developing a relationship with the unknown takes time. In doing so, the seeker is granted the greatest gift of all—clarity.

I have come full circle yet again. I must always be willing to journey forward — spiral into the center and then back out again. Then and only then will I be whole, in touch with all that I am.” second_journeyI felt lost and no sense of direction as I headed into my sabbatical. Grieving yet for Joie, I also felt restless some days trying to just take this pause in my life, while at the same time wanting answers now. I was also questioning if what seemed like doing nothing was the right thing to do.

After I read that passage, I reached down to take a sip from my drink that was resting on the arm of the Adirondack chair.  Drips of condensation fell from the glass.  When I glanced down, this is what I saw:

water paw print 1200Always one open to signs, there it was right in front of me. I was in complete awe. To me, it was Joie’s affirmation, and her gift to me, that I was exactly right where I needed to be at that time in my life. No question about it what-so-ever.

I’ll be writing more about my sabbatical and what I learned from it in my book, Joie’s Gift- Finding Purpose in the Pause. But I sit here five months later with more clarity than I had then—Joie and Joan were right. Though I don’t always have a definitive path set like I felt I did the days I did with my work with Frankie, I learn more and more to trust that what needs to be revealed will continue to show itself to me.

I also feel a sense of new excitement for my manuscript which I’ve been working on for three months now. Some days I think it’s crap, some days I wonder if there really is a story here, and some days I just want to quit. But for the most part I keep showing up for a date with my laptop to write each day. And today I can’t help but think that hearing about A Year by the Sea in a small way is a message of clarity for me to keep going.  Thanks Joie and Joan— I needed to hear this today.

I really can’t recommend Joan’s books enough. Truly, a must read for every woman!  You can learn more about Joan and her books on her website.