
Joyful Paws Give-Away

Are you the winner?  Listen to find out!  Winner, please email me your mailing address so I can send you the dog journal (





My dogs really do keep me grounded.  Even when I lose my way, they patiently wait, sending me little clues that maybe, just maybe, I am a bit out of balance once again.

Frankie did that for me when we were wrestling with three bladder infections in a row this fall.  I didn't handle my stress level well through all of this, but I sure did learn alot about myself once I slowed down to think everything through.  In my slowing down, think tank time, I was given a gift, and that gift  reminded me of the many joys I love in life, but had set aside the past three years, as Frankie and I pursued our mission of bringing a positive face to animals with disabilities.

I had every worse case scenario flying through my mind with Frankie's back- to- back infections, thinking about "what if's," and thinking my life, as I had come to love it, was now going to change once again.  But one day driving down the highway I felt this peace wash over me… it was all going to be ok.  So life needs to change once again- ok- let's see what it will bring me.

As I gave into acceptance, I realized how I wanted room for other things in my life, but was so driven doing what I do with Frankie I could not figure out a way to slow down to do these other things– like writing more– keeping up with my blogs– time with friends and my Mom– time to putter around my home– new projects– reading.

Frankie's infections made me stop and think (though as usually happens to me, it takes a good three times of hitting me over the head till I see clearly!), and I realized I wanted more sudden joys back again.  

And how amazing I come full circle to what this blog is all about:  Joyful Paws.  It is because of my dogs, that 5-years ago I did "paws" long enough in my life to define what is important to me, discover what brings me bliss, and found the courage to live more authentically. 

So as Jean Houston's quote says, "they rest us deeply" and I feel more at peace again with the direction of my life.


How have your pets helped you rest more deeply and find sudden joys?  Share with me in a comment section below. Next week Tuesday I will randomly pick from your comments a winner of the dog book journal.  Be sure to check back to this blog post next week to see if you won!  Good luck!

Here is the quote for those of you who wish to write it down:

I think we turn so much to our pets because they remind us of our deeper nature, of what is truly important. And also in a strange way of what we can be. They rest us deeply and give us sudden joys that we have forgotten.  ~Jean Houston


Live An Inspired Life: Tune in this Saturday!

This Saturday, December 11th, radio host Brenda Owens will be interviewing me on her popular and inspiring radio show, “Live An Inspired Life.”  This promises to be a fantastic show discussing the impact of animals on our lives.  In a previous discussion with Brenda to discuss being on the show, I felt very connected to Brenda and her views of pets and animals in our world, and I have a feeling an hour is just not going to be enough for all we want to discuss. <Grin>

So please join us this Saturday as you are wrapping your holiday gifts or addressing your Christmas cards for an enjoyable and uplifting hour- we promise to inspire you!

When:  Saturday, December 11th

Time:  11:00am CST/ 9:00am PST/ 12:00pm ET

Where:  Live an Inspired Life Radio (can listen right on your computer!)


I love this favorite quote Brenda shares on her website from Marianne Williamson:

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. 

Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. 

We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. 

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. 

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”