Many animals fill the humane societies, and many are handicapped or elderly, and sadly, they are the last to find homes. But I can tell you from experience that having a dog with a disability has been one of the most rewarding things of my life.

Honestly, I didn’t feel that way at the beginning when Frankie was diagnosed with IVDD, and yes, I was scared. I also did not know how I was going to take care of her. But the blessing this little dog has been is something I would have never known, had I not experienced it and I would not trade one moment with her.
Are you considering adopting a handicapped dog? If so, here is a snippet from an article by Micah McDunnigan from e-how with a link to read the rest of the tips. One tip I would suggest is to reach out to others that have special needs pets to ask how they take care of their pet. Who knows, not only will you have a new friend in a disabled pet, but you might gain a new human friend too.
1. Find a dog rescue organization in your area that specializes in caring for handicapped dogs. These can be found online or in your local phone book.
2. Examine your home. You must decide if you are able to pet-proof it for a dog with a disability before you adopt one. Dogs that are blind cannot have random clutter on the floor, and dogs requiring wheel chairs will need space to roll around. Make sure that your home can accommodate a dog with disabilities, or at least know which disabilities you are willing and able to accommodate, before you proceed.
3. Contact the organization that is caring for the dog by phone or email and express your interest in the animal. Ask to arrange for an opportunity to visit the dog.
Read more: How to Adopt a Handicapped Dog |
Other resources for a special needs pet: