Two song titles are bouncing around in my mind as we have one more sleep in this campground in Georgia tonight — Time for Me to Fly and Roll with the Changes — both by REO Speedwagon. I realize I’m showing my age, but I will always love REO!
We are leaving a day early as all-day rain is expected here tomorrow…again. Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama have certainly had their share of rain this spring season….and we rolled with the changes rolling between all three states to get the best weather we could. Alabama was never on our radar to visit this trip, but it all worked out. I’d not have met Harley the black Lab otherwise!

One thing we know for sure…we are no longer big city people. Well, I suppose to be fair, John never really was. I thought I wanted to be when I was younger. But I’ve definitely changed in that department. I’m yearning for my quiet and peaceful Joyful Pause Cottage and to be within four walls again with a solid foundation. This campground in Georgia has been awesome though with quiet and beautiful rolling hills and the one in Blue Ridge was also lovely in a different kind of way.
Traveling certainly gives you a perspective on life. And traveling during Covid times has offered that as well. One disappointment was not being able to get tickets for Rock City Gardens in Chattanooga. They only sell a limited amount each day and were sold out for the week.
Traveling you are witness to more poverty and the homeless also. One day driving through Alabama I noticed a woman walking up the hill to the underpass. When I looked further up, I saw another woman re-arranging cardboard box sides in an effort to what looked like more privacy.
I was moved to tears. I just can’t imagine being homeless. So many thoughts rolled through my mind. Then compassion flooded my heart followed by deep gratitude for the life I have.
I never thought I’d say I lived out of a camper for three weeks, but by golly, we did it. And John and I only had one short-fuse moment with each other. While I’m ready to head back home and we have two sleeps yet in Kentucky, we are already giving thought to next year’s travels. Right now, something in one spot for three weeks and not as much sightseeing, but even more relaxing. Will see. But it’s fun to dream about another adventure.
We will leave sunny skies and 75 degrees to a low of 24 degrees overnight tomorrow evening and arrive home in Wisconsin in time for weather in the mid-60s. What a roller coaster with the weather which included moving as we did to avoid the tornadic weather that broke out around these parts.
Roll with the changes…at home or traveling…it’s all part of this big experience called life. I’ve definitely learned to roll with more ease and patience on this trip.