
Why Wait to Pause and Pivot

I was recently inspired by this post on Facebook from writer and author, Linda Hoye

“It’s become this thing we think we need to do. Pivot.

In effect: keep going, but change direction.

But what if pivoting only leads us farther away from where we want to go?

What if the wiser course is to pause. Pay attention. Ask hard questions. Listen. Set a course we don’t need to pivot to stay on. Or at the very least pivot with intention.”

I’ve had my moments, just like anyone else, of feelings of fear, helplessness, and frustration. Yesterday was such a day, though it was more frustration than anything.

It was nearing 5 pm last night when I was feeling just tired of it all, wondering when all the shaming, blaming, and hate will end.

I felt called to light some candles in my living room but hesitated. Normally I only reserve doing that for the weekends or special occasions.


Wait until tomorrow to do that which comforts me? Wait to practice a good dose of self-care?

I’ve been all about the Pause for quite a few years now – thanks to the teachings of so many dear animal friends I shared my life with. But yet, at times, I forget.

What really stood out to me that Linda wrote is to pivot with intention.

And the way in which to best do that is to pause. And yes, really listen. What was I really feeling frustrated about? Something of which I can’t control which is the action of others and that can sometimes elicit fear in me.

But I can create my own inner world of peace. And that is the pivot I intentionally chose to make.

And the way in which I felt called to begin to create that peace was to light my candles and sit on my couch and call upon remembering all the many blessings I have.

In this case, pivot with awareness to what could change the course of my frustration brought me back home to a safe place in my heart and also literally as I sat in the safe sanctuary of my home where I could make the choice of how I wanted to feel.

Wishing you light and peace for your heart too…



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Weekly Oracle Reading: Delicate But Brave Creates the Balance Needed

It was a delicate balance to get the cards to stay positioned here on the stems of the blossoming Daylily’s as I quickly snapped a photo.

I realize now that the lady beetle card is upside down, when in fact when I pulled it, it was right side up. So I’m taking this as an added little message that when we don’t have balance in our lives, it can feel like all the blood is rushing to our heads and it makes us feel off-kilter. Too much of one thing isn’t good – whether it’s a good thing or not.

So without further ado, just click here or on the image above to watch and listen to the message for the week!



Oracle Guidance from Antelope and Connecting with Community

The air is heavy with humidity this morning and rain is inching its way into our neck of the woods as I pulled two cards for us for this week.

The Tribe and Antelope Spirit are our cards to ponder. The Tribe card was recently given a different name in this deck and is now called Community.

Tribe or community is about staying connected to those that encourage you, uplift you, and that you feel connected with at a level of understanding that brings you joy and comfort. And if that isn’t something you have in your life right now or maybe you’ve outgrown a community you are currently part of, this card is your message that this is an opportunity to seek like-minded souls that will be of support and in align with who you are.

When I think of The Tribe card right now I see it as how we’ve all had to make different choices as our world continues to move through the coronavirus times we are experiencing. Some have learned how to adapt and shift to ways in which to connect on-line, such as using Zoom, while some are still finding it difficult to accept this as an option to connect. Some have really loved knowing they can connect in this way, while some just feel better when they can connect face-to-face.

Being that I’m basically an introvert and began working from home over 20 years ago, not much has changed for me in that way. I don’t mind connecting via Zoom and actually prefer it in many aspects. My energy can easily be drained when out in crowds and around those that tend to zap my energy. I find it easier to create boundaries using Zoom.

Those I thought that maybe I’d connect with more through all of this, I didn’t, which in some aspects surprised me. But then I found that the guilt I’d carried around that actually began to dissipate. My small circle of those I reach out to talk and connect with has pretty much remained the same. And as I’ve written in past posts here, I’m realizing on a deeper level how much I love my quiet life and my home. Though two years ago going through a challenging time, I was feeling like perhaps I was missing out on things I thought I was supposed to be doing. It was a time of getting stuck in my analytical mind and not listening to my heart.

But staying connected to a community that has similar feelings and values as I do just brings my heart more joy and that is the feeling I want to continue to have in my life.

Antelope Spirit is about adapting and also about speed as they can run up to 60 miles per hour! How interesting it is that as we go through this time of great change with many uncertain aspects yet to be revealed we have each had to learn to adapt.

And I don’t know about you, but I’ve really felt like the days are flying by. I’ve also had many thoughts float through my mind of late of how precious life is – and how I want to make the best of every moment. While I have my moments of getting sucked into the drama or anger seeps in, I remind myself it’s an opportunity to pause and reflect on how I really wish to be. It’s always a chance to work with why I may be feeling triggered by something and work with it on a deeper level and work to clear it, so I can move forward from a much more peaceful place.

I know it sounds cliche, but life really is short. I see both these cards as reminding us of this and to make the choices we wish that are in alignment with our hearts and staying connected with or finding those to connect with, that will nurture and inspire us.

Wishing you a beautiful week!



Cards: Wisdom of the Oracle and Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid