self healing

Online Event & Workshop: Honoring Your Inner Child through the Wisdom of Animals and Oracles

10am-11:30am CST
11:00am-12:30am EST
8am-9:30am PST

During this Special Event & Interactive Workshop:

  • Christine will interview me about my transformational journey and connection with animals and more!
  • I will be pulling some cards from my new Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck focusing on the inner child we all have within us. And you will get to experience each card on a personal level…
  • I’ll share some insight about each card pulled and then provide a writing prompt for you to tap into your own intuition and how the animals are here for you (and your inner child) at this time.
  • Q & A plus sharing time.
  • Giveaway during the live event: A drawing for one lucky winner to receive a one-to-one oracle reading with me.
  • During live event and via replay: A special discount offer on my one-to-one oracle reading sessions.



A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Friends of the Wisconsin Wolf and Wildlife. Learn more here about what this grassroots organization does to advocate for the preservation and protection of wolves in Wisconsin.

What Scares You Can Transform You and the Animal Guides that Provide Helpful Wisdom

How often I’ve found comfort and guidance through the wisdom of animals through challenging times. And such was the case again…

The last eight weeks or so have been about navigating a health scare with my husband, John. At the beginning we each went down the rabbit holes of fear and the unknown and the what if’s, but then spiraling back to the center again with reminders to stay in the present moment and allow life to unfold as it was meant to be.

I’m happy to say John is doing well and healing from two surgeries last week to remove and then stitch back together again an aggressive form of skin cancer he had on the top of his head.

During this time of uncertainty I leaned even more into my meditation and breathing practice, pulling oracle and animal cards, journaling, and taking time to be in nature. While also consciously allowing myself to be with all my emotions – especially those that really scared me in order that they wouldn’t get stuck and create a cyclone of anxiety. While I still had some intense moments, I’d remind myself to breathe deep and slowly into my belly, and I’d reflect on the many times in the past when I’ve allowed my fear to be acknowledged and then felt so they could move through me.

Three animals presented themselves on a consistent basis while John and I navigated different doctors to understand what would all be involved with the process of healing. While I know there are many going through far more difficult than this, I believe it’s important to not dismiss our fears and pain of individual circumstances. This brings to mind a quote (unknown author) I appreciate:

“No pain is greater or less, it is simply different.”

And it was Buffalo, Nuthatch, and Grasshopper that presented themselves during this time that I found not only comfort, but timely and welcome reminders. While Buffalo and Nuthatch came up often and are cards from my Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck, Grasshopper cleverly showed itself once on our front door and then on our kitchen window.

Buffalo a powerful teaching and one we are called to at different times throughout our lives – to stand and face the storm – and trust that all will work out for the highest good.

Excerpts from the guidebook:

Buffalo can often be observed facing an incoming storm. They don’t try to outrun it or struggle against it. Instead, they stand firm and without fear while the storm roars forward and then rages around them until it eventually dissipates and moves on.

Remember that forcing or pushing will bring struggle, but having faith and trust will make your path much easier to navigate.”

It’s during times of intense uncertainty (that feel like a raging storm) to lean into the energy of Buffalo and reminds us to stay grounded in the here and now and not project into the future. There is nothing to do, but be with what is coming up in order for the feelings to eventually dissipate.

Nuthatch with its keen teaching of perspective not only also presented itself often when I pulled a card for the day, but also the sounds and sightings of nuthatch outside my windows, that there is always, always, always different ways in which to not only observe life, but your reactions to it. I said always three times to emphasize this as I understand it an be challenging!

Excerpts from the guidebook:

Has your mind felt muddled or fuzzy about something you are trying to understand on a deeper level? While having faith in a power higher than yourself is important to your growth, it’s also about bringing that focused awareness from a higher realm down into your physical being. This will allow a new, welcome perspective to more easily flow into your consciousness.”

Grasshopper first presenting itself on the outside of the front storm door and then again on the outside of the kitchen window was a welcome sign of their overall symbolism of good luck. But also fearlessness, longevity, and peacefulness, that I saw this as once again a teaching of not looking to the outside world as a way to offer a distraction from those things that cause us fear, but rather to stay connected to our inner world in order to arrive back to a more peaceful state.

So with the help of these animal guides not only do I feel changed in perspective in many ways within myself, but that as a couple too as John and I navigated and grew through this experience together.




Lovely Praise for Animal Reflections Healing Oracle Deck! Still Time to Order During Special Launch Period.

My heart is feeling happy and very grateful to those of you who have placed an order for my NEW Animal Reflections Healing Oracle deck! I’m really looking forward to packing your orders with care and positive energy and including a one card pull for each of you.

And just a reminder if you’d like to order a copy of my new deck during the Special Launch Period, please do so by Sunday, June 4th. I’ve included a link below for ordering and where I also share some early praise for my deck! And…

THIS SPECIAL ADDED NOTE: If You are local and would like to save on shipping, I am offering porch pickup when the decks are ready. Just reach out to me if you’d like to take advantage of this and I’ll adjust the price accordingly.


  • 52 cards
  • Two blank cards included to customize
  • 21 Major Arcana of the Tarot woven into the deck
  • 2.75 x 4.75 inches
  • Guidebook – signed by me!
  • Cards shrink-wrapped for protection and tucked inside lime colored organza bagOne card reading included
  • Wolf cover art postcard
  • Created from my heart with wisdom gained through deep, personal inner work. While my inner work has been and continues to be ongoing for 25+ years, it was in the last eight years that the seed was planted and began to make its way toward the light as I opened myself to trust. I was then eventually led to the process of “how” I would create this deck in my own unique way. The actual intuitive process of finding just the right images that spoke to ancient times and the reverence of respect for what animals offer us as wisdom and reflections to help guide us in our daily lives that many have lost touch with. Plus combining these images with paper, stencils, paint, pastel chalks, and pencils, to then creating individual collages on small wooden templates became a two-year labor of love.


Animal guides can be powerful agents of healing, helping us to sense our blocks, blind-spots, and barriers. In her lovely oracle cards, Barb Techel shows how 52 animal teachers can hold space for us, allowing us to perceive, acknowledge and release repressed pain, fear, grief and other limiting thoughts or emotions, thus allowing us to venture deeper into a more joyous relationship with ourselves. 

The accompanying guide book offers ideas on how to use oracle cards, as well as suggestions from the animals featured in the cards. These vary from ones we know — Bear, Elephant, Lion and Zebra, to ones whose teachings we may be less familiar with — Capybara, Hedgehog, Iguana and Nuthatch. The artwork is gentle and welcoming, inviting us to soften and contemplate in compassionate ways with the animals and with ourselves. 

-Dawn Baumann Brunke, Author & Animal Communicator

I did a personal reading with Barb’s beautiful deck today. It was so insightful, and unexpected. Those animals and their interpretations are just messengers in such a heartfelt and deeply compassionate way. I appreciate her deck so much, and I’m excited to use it more!

-Elizabeth Lee, Creator of The Inner Moon Light Oracle

Barbara Techel is a wonderful, heart-centered human, and you can feel her loving energy throughout every card in this deck and guidebook. Each time I’ve pulled a card, it has been exactly the animal and guidance my soul needed to pivot into a higher frequency.

These beautiful oracle cards are primed and ready to expedite your healing, and are certain to get you back in your heart to reach a new level of awareness. They are an exemplary tool to be utilized time and time again to embrace and reveal the best version of ourselves.

-Tammy Billups, International Healing Practitioner for Animals & Their People, Award Winning Author of: Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions, Animal Soul Contracts, and Animal Wayshowers

To learn more and order your copy click here…and thanks so much for your support! I’m so excited to share the wisdom of the animals with you…and together, one person and animal at a time we will heal and shift this planet into a place of peace.

And here is June’s Monthly Animal Wisdom Reading for You! I had to smile big time when just the right animal showed up to confirm the theme for the month! Enjoy! Click here or on image to listen!

