simple pleasures

Take Joy!…and Squeal with Delight!

Take Joy!...and Squeal with Delight!

The gloom of the world is but a shadow. Behind it, yet within our reach, is joy. Take Joy! ~Fra Giovanni

I don’t know about you, but I can’t help but feel exuberant joy watching everything come to life with spring upon us.

Walking out my writing cottage door at lunch today, just after we had a soft rain, I squealed out loud, and said to Gidget who was tucked under my arm, “Oh look, Gidget!  The Willow Cherry tree has begun to blossom! I must get a picture.” 

In that moment I felt my love for Tasha Tudor bubble up again to the surface, imagining her delight in her exquisite garden that she too felt every spring.

This week in my newsletter which comes out on Sunday I wrote about the Wild Woman within each of us — Tasha was definitely the epitome of that!  She is one of my mentors because it is what I strive to continue to embrace more and more everyday…to walk to the beat of my own drum…

and to Take Joy! in all the simple pleasures life has to offer.

I recently learned of a Wisconsin Chapter for the Tasha Tudor Society. I was so excited to receive a response from the woman who organizes events in WI to celebrate Tasha Tudor letting me know I’m now added to her email list. I hope to attend an event in the near future!

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Tweets and Ribbets Abound at the Zen Writing Cottage

Tweets and Ribbets Abound at the Zen Writing Cottage

I’m so excited to share with you that the robin eggs have hatched!  These two fuzzies came into the world on Wednesday, June 23.  When I posted a photo of the eggs two weeks ago, there were four, but only two made it.

robin nest 2016

Their nest is right outside one of my windows in my writing cottage, so I see the mama coming and going all day as she takes care of her precious little ones. I also put up a short video of the little ones on my Facebook page if you want to check it out.


And the tree frogs are back too!  I just love these little guys (and gals!). They are like little surprises when you come upon them. They can be quite sneaky and all of a sudden, there they are. They always bring a smile to my face. Two summers ago we had two around almost the whole summer. I called them Mr. and Mrs. Green Jeans.  This little guy was on my front porch, while this little gal below joined me for lunch one day on the deck.

frog 2

Oh! How I love summer!  New life abounds and old friends have returned. And time to brew some sun tea!

sun tea

Well, friends, I hope your weekend is a good one and you experience many small and big joys as the summer days unfold.

 Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

Honeysuckle Training

honeysuckle training

Two years ago I planted a honeysuckle on the east side corner of my writing cottage next to my Victorian screen door. Hummingbirds love them and I have a love for hummingbirds.

This year I’m trying to be more diligent in encouraging the vines to wind around the east side of our deck rails. This morning when I opened the blinds, I noticed that one vine has begun winding around the birdhouse sitting on the deck railing. Isn’t this so sweet?

I guess the honeysuckle thought this little white house with faded red roof needed a little green to liven the place up. And you know what? There is only so much training you can do and then you must let go and let nature do the rest. A good metaphor for life too, I think!

One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. – Shakespeare

photo: roger levien

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