
Fitting in Snuggle Time and Meditation Makes Life All the More Sweeter.

IMG_2082 12Cassy and Lil’ G getting in a little snuggle time

Our friend, Cassy spent the day with us on the 4th. Mini golf, lunch at a local restaurant on the water, and then topped off with watching the fireworks on the boat of Cassy’s friend. In between all the fun, John and I also managed to get in a nap. Gidget also found some time to snuggle with Cassy. I love this photo of the two of them.

Yesterday we went to our small town parade. The weather was just right with a nice breeze compared to a few years in a row where it was so humid. Then John and I hopped in the car and drove about 30 minutes to a nearby restaurant on the water front for a bite of lunch.

It was a lovely weekend and I enjoyed every moment. But as I got back into my yoga practice this morning, plus my 10 minutes of meditation, I realized with even more clarity how much I enjoy the silence and slowing down.

Moving through yoga this morning felt so incredibly good. When I was done I did 10 minutes of meditation. I felt like I had fallen into a big, fluffy, soft cloud. There was a light breeze blowing through my windows, while my table top water fountain trickled in the background, along with the sounds of birds tweeting here and there.

The words divine and delicious kept floating through my mind. Normally I feel way too anxious to mediate in the mornings, especially if I just sit there without a guided meditation or music softly playing in the background. I did have a moment of angst find me, but then the mantra, “My Time” came to me. I repeated that silently if I started to feel anymore angst. It worked.

I’ve been thinking about how much time we devote to others and our lists of  to do’s. My mantra “My Time” is something I know I’ll come back to.

From the minute we get up we are doing something and giving of ourselves. I thought about how the minute I am up, I whisk Gidget to the bathroom, make the bed, feed the dogs, get my yoga clothes on, and kiss and hug John (pretty much in that order!). To sit for 10 minutes just for me – no one else and for no list, truly is divine.

This weekend I read a blog post about how to start meditating and it said, “Even if you have 23 kids and 14 jobs, you can find five minutes to meditate.” I love the point of that because we all think our lives are just too busy and we think we can’t possibly find 5-10 minutes. But we can.

I’m not 100% good at meditation everyday (yes, even for five minutes), but I just have to say that when I take the time to do it, I sure do feel 100% better. It makes me want to keep moving toward that goal of at least five minutes each day.

On Being a Mush Bucket and Why Mine is Overflowing.

Me-And-Simon-Come-Out-With-A-Kiss-944x629One of my favorite photos of Jon and his donkey, Simon

Hello. My name is Barbara Techel and I am a mush bucket.

Years ago when I heard a friend of mine describe herself in this way, I knew this was me too.

What is a mush bucket you ask?

Someone who gets teary-eyed whether they are happy or sad. It comes at times most unexpectedly or in situations you wish perhaps it didn’t. Like a mid-life hot flash, it just shows up. No call. No warning. There you are in the middle of it with nowhere to hide.

We find it difficult to hide our emotions. We wear them most clearly on our sleeve, and there is quite a bit that can move us to tears.

This week my mush bucket has been overflowing.

My all time favorite author, Jon Katz, underwent bypass surgery yesterday. When the news hit last week that he would be having this surgery, I was quite emotional. Today, learning that he made it through with flying colors, had the tears welling up in my eyes again.

So some may consider this silly. All emotional over a man I’ve never really hung out with. I’ve been to a few of his book signings, enjoying his talks, and have read every one of this books.

But it is his words that have taken up residence in my heart that make me look at life often times in a different way and appreciate it in a way I may not have considered.

I’m grateful for his authenticity and honesty of living the life of a writer, alongside his artist wife, Maria. Among the chickens, donkeys, barn cats, sheep and dogs he shares a life of meaning and simplicity.

His blog has become daily food for my soul. Almost without fail I read it Every. Single. Day.

With this scare of Jon perhaps not having made it through the surgery, I thought about how hard it would be to never see a blog post from him again.

Though that had my eyes welling up for a moment, I realized that his words will always be a part of me, and the sad emotion turned to grateful.

I’ve evolved and grown because of many thoughts he has so openly shared. I feel more secure in who I am through the wisdom of his own struggles he has so bravely shared on the page and in his posts.

So, yes, I am a mush bucket. I’m glad that I am. It means my heart takes things in in a big way. It grows each time this happens. I expand to appreciate more, to love more, and to be more compassionate.

To own that with all that it is I stand in the truth of who I am. I am a mush bucket and I am proud.

Anyone else out there a mush bucket too? You are safe to say so right here on my blog. I welcome all mush buckets with open arms… and lots of Kleenex.  🙂

My Joyful Pause Moments. Weekly Recap.

Sorry for the delay in getting this to you as I normally do on Sunday’s. But alas, here it is. As always, I hope it inspires and encourages you to look for those little moments in life that bring you joy – breathe them in and let them light you from the inside out.

10379022_10203099520462125_3067699814573115229_nI enjoyed working on painting this bird house as part of our local Chamber of Commerce initiative that will help raise money for the Chamber with 25 bird houses being painted by local business members. They will be auctioned off at our annual Downtown Night in August. For the month of July they will be displayed around downtown.

10502336_10203108111036884_6933446716161511135_nMy first rose bloom on the bush that my dear friend, Cassy gave to me last summer.

20140625_162218 12Dabbling in some art from the heart. Working on something for you, but it’s a secret. I hope to reveal soon!

20140624_155503 12One of the sweet ladies in our True Self class brought a variety of beautiful butterfly planter pics. We each got to pick one to bring home.

marie and me 12Had tea with my artist friend, Marie who I met two years ago, and getting to know her better. I love being in her company! She was mysterious to me for many years until I met her in a workshop. I wrote about her in a recent blog post here.

g in comforter 12While cleaning my house on Friday with a negative attitude about it, Gidget had burrowed unbeknownst to me into the comforter I had on the floor, ready for taking to the laundromat. When I discovered her inside, it made me smile and changed my whole attitude around to joyful…. even when cleaning.

marie studiio 12My artist friend, Maria’s art studio.