I did it. I painted three large paintings (24 x 48). I kind of can’t believe it.
I always said I couldn’t paint. But then one said wonderful artist, who I also happen to call Mom, inspired and encouraged me to give it a try.
The day spent with my mom a few months ago learning how to do what she calls “paper towel” painting is a memory that fills my soul with love and joy.
“Paper towel” painting is mixing acrylic paints together and then dabbing a scrunched up paper towel into the mixed colors and dabbing it onto the canvas. The ground, middle, and sky portion of each of these paintings is this technique.
I was inspired to do these tree Goddess paintings after seeing another painting that incorporated this idea.
My Joyful Pause Studio where I teach SoulCollage(r) workshops and where I happened to have a very long wall I needed something for was where I knew I wanted my Goddesses to reside.
It’s a space where I want to continue to welcome women to take time for themselves, tune into their own inner wisdom, create, and discover new things about themselves that I hope will help them to live a more meaningful and joyful life.
I felt a wave of emotion surge through me when I hung the last Goddess painting on the wall yesterday afternoon.
It took me some time to complete these paintings and at times I was frustrated. But it also made me think about this new place I’m at in my life which has been something I’ve envisioned for a long time.
Just like times I was frustrated thinking I didn’t know where I was headed, but could sense a new path wanting to emerge, I knew I had to have patience and trust in the process.
Just like doing the paintings. And just like SoulCollage(r) teaches – trusting in our own process-moving to the rhythms of our own inner soul whispers is what I believe we are all being called to do.
I also find myself fighting the urge to say my paintings are not perfect, they could be better — that I am not an artist in this sense.
But I know these are conditions I’ve been taught to believe about myself. And I know they are not true even though I must fight the urge to think so.
I am not perfect, nor do I want to be. I want to continue to grow and learn. I am an artist. I am a Goddess.
A Goddess who wants to continue to stand in her feminine, artistic, womanly wisdom and open her arms to other women seeking to embrace the power of their inner Goddess.
And together we will form a circle of love, joy and peace that will radiate out into the universe and set the planet aglow.
Now didn’t I tell you? These Goddess have much wisdom to share. I, for one, plan to keep paying attention.
If you’d like to learn more about my workshops, I have a special page set up on my website for information. You can learn more here.
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