
A Peek Inside Joyful Pause Studio – SoulCollage® Workshops for Women

A Peek Inside Joyful Pause Studio - SoulCollage® Workshops for Women
Entrance to Joyful Pause Studio. Artwork by Shannon Winter.

Over two years ago I began giving thought to offering workshops for women in the lower level of my home. But I wasn’t quite sure what they would exactly be.

But I knew I wanted to encourage women to pause, listen, capture, and open to the many facets of themselves.

And then I discovered the process of SoulCollage® in November 2014. I jumped in and took the training in hopes of making this dream come true.

And little by little it did with workshops I held at a local art studio and through friends. And then I held my first workshop in my home studio on January 16th, 2016 for five wonderful women.

Eventually I do hope to expand with different types of workshops, too and have also been offering some online workshops.

I see myself sort of like an Intuitive Guide… I love the idea of “holding the space” for women– gently encouraging them to tap into their own wisdom and open the petals to their own beautiful flower and what they discover about themselves.

So my studio is just about complete. My dear, sweet, supportive husband, John, is finishing up soon with the spare room which will have a new drop ceiling and lighting also.

John almost threw this piece of wood in the woodstove — but I saw it as a lovely place for a bird to perch upon to welcome visitors to my studio.
This is where tea and water are available and a bathroom to the left.
One view of the almost 1,000 square feet in my studio.
Canvas panels along the wall are paintings I’m working on for the long wall – Tree Goddesses is what I hope the end result will be!
Window to let in some natural light with lots of good overhead lighting.
I can accommodate up to 10 people for workshops.

What was once a family room for John and I and a craft space for me, to then a space we opened to a young woman in need of somewhere to live during a transition, to now Joyful Pause Studio…. I can’t wait to welcome you!

It’s my hope it will be a serene place for women to come be among other kindred-spirits and will serve as a way in which women can take time to create, listen to their hearts, and just be.

I’m so excited about this new venture!

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I’m SO Excited to Share this With You!
Art, Altars, and Animal Guides

This is something I’ve devoted much of my energy to the last few months!

A NEW online workshop with my friend and fellow author, Dawn Baumann Brunke.
Barbara and Dawn with Gidget

I’m so excited to announce:


Understanding Our Connection between Animal Teachers,

Ourselves and the World

Exploring how everything is connected can have a profound effect on our lives. All it takes is the willingness to pause, listen and be open to the powerful connections that are with us all the time. In this workshop we will engage our animal guides, discover meaningful links between inner and outer worlds, and learn how to gain deeper levels of awareness through self-exploration and creation.

During this workshop we will:

  • Meet your animal guides.
  • Learn to invoke assistance and advice from your guides.
  • Design a SoulCollage® card of your animal guide.
  • Create a personal altar.
  • Deepen your relationship with animals, yourself, and the world.

To learn more and register, please check out the details here (or click on either photo above).

We hope you can join us for this intuitive excursion we are so excited to share with you! And if you know of anyone who would enjoy this, feel free to pass it along.

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Kindness Found Me Today

Kindness Found Me Today
artwork by Shannon Winter

The first thing I saw on Facebook this morning was a post from my sister sharing Tim McGraw’s new music video Humble and Kind. If you’ve not seen it, take a few moments and watch it now. I promise it will uplift you!

I listened to it three times. So simple, really, to be humble and kind. So easy to say please and thank you. To smile at a stranger on the street. To do little acts of kindness.

Today, being my day I set aside for errands and any appointments, I ran out to start my car so it would be warm when it was time for me to leave.

Imagine my surprise when I found a large lime green package sitting on the seat of the drivers side.

I couldn’t imagine who had left it there — or even more so, what it was!

I hurried back inside, already starting to tear at the paper as I couldn’t wait to see what it was (I never was good at waiting to open gifts!).

My eyes instantly filled with tears when I saw it was a painting my friend Shannon did – a sign for the entrance to my Joyful Pause Studio where I held my first SoulCollage® workshop last Saturday.

And here’s the thing. It was over two years ago when I had lunch with Shannon sharing with her that I was thinking about offering workshops for women out of my home- but I wasn’t quite sure what they would be.

That was until I discovered SoulCollage®. Last Saturday felt like a new beginning, while at the same time it felt like a full circle moment. What I had been giving thought to for so long had finally manifested.

I had made a temporary ‘Joyful Pause Studio’ sign figuring I’d make, or find something, that I’d replace it with eventually.

And the Universe was listening – just as it has been all along. Shannon attended my first workshop in the studio and told me she felt called to make this artistic and beautiful painting for me.

And out into the world I went today so light in spirit because kindness found me today.

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