
For the Love of Sparrow

As I walked over to my printer the other morning, it was this sweet sparrow that caught my eye outside Joyful Pause Cottage studio window.

So unassuming. Still as could be. Something about this struck me.

The image stayed with me for days.

A few times glancing again at the picture I’d captured, I’d feel my heart swell and tears spring to my eyes.

How often we only see beauty in the bright colors of the world.

The shades of brown not so much.

The sparrow often overlooked or underrated.

Yet, I found so much elegance in this scene outside my window.

While I don’t yet know why it struck me so or that this has continued to stay with me, I’m in gratitude to Sparrow.

For the feelings in my heart that stir even though I can’t name them.

But makes me that much more appreciative of this one precious life.




The Sparrow and Spider with Some Timely Guidance

When I saw this sweet sparrow perched upon the hook outside my Joyful Pause Cottage studio, all fluffed out after taking a bath in the birdbath, I was surprised at how it didn’t seem in a hurry to fly off.

I sensed a message about to unfold as I sat in quiet observation, and contemplation of why Sparrow was right outside my window at this moment.

As I’ve currently been seeking clarity about something, I can still at times react from a place of fear and go into a protective shell, not wanting to explore what is being presented. I want to stay small. As if that will protect me from pain.

I thought about how Sparrow had just taken a bath – “naked” and out in the open elements – for anyone to see. Though Sparrow wasn’t hiding but rather appreciating the water to cleanse itself of debris and dirt that had accumulated. If they don’t do this their ability to fly will be hindered.

I understood this as a reflection that when difficult issues arise it’s a needed nudge to clear away the gunk that has built up in one’s life. The sticky stuff of life that can cause us to feel matted down and want to shrink away out of fear. In that place we can’t find clarity. Our wings of growth are stunted.

The freshly bathed sparrow sitting on that hook, the wind having plumped up its plumage, reminded me once again to see difficulty as an opportunity to a new way forward. Sparrow was reminding me too that in the challenging times of life, the importance of not hiding away, but remembering to incorporate those things that help one feel centered when one feels uncertain.

This is vitally necessary to see the path ahead and fly forward in a more confident way.

Thanks to that message from sparrow, I grew excited to do something to feed my soul. So, after a quick search on the internet, I grabbed my laptop and some water, and off I went to a park I’d never visited before.

And it was there, writing this post, that another creature came to provide me with a blessing. A small green spider that insisted on climbing on my leg to which I’d gently brush it off time and time again because it tickled.

But I welcomed that message too and reflected on Spider and the message of Rebirth:

“Like a helpful friend, Spider sits beside you lovingly and patiently, and encourages you to stay the course. It may be helpful to see Spider like Charlotte in the book, “Charlotte’s Web” – compassionate and holding you in complete love and understanding as you move through intense feelings.

Spider is here to assure you those long-held wounds you bravely face and heal will ultimately set you free. You are the one who chooses the web you wish to create. The past, once given voice, becomes a beautiful exchange gifting you with a rebirth and unlimited possibilities as you move forward to sing your authentic song with confidence and joy.”

Excerpt from Animal Reflections Healing Oracle by Barbara Techel




Are You Okay In There?

I was thinking that Sparrows are probably the least photographed bird. Check out this little darling on the right-hand side of the photo who was outside my writing cottage window this morning.

It almost looks to me like he is saying, “Hey, you in there. Are you okay?” 

I was in my writing cottage early today and did a full moon oracle reading for myself. It’s a new ritual I put in place for myself this year – once a month for the new and full moon I take time in contemplation with a deck of oracle cards. They always provide helpful guidance and insight.

I’m not going to get into details here of the reading because, well, it was a personal reading, and I’m still simmering in its meaning for me.

But this little bird really captured my heart.

And yes, little one, I’m okay and every day feels a tiny bit better.

Just as I ended this post, the trill of a bird was singing on a Pandora radio station I was listening to. I just love how the universe holds our heart at all times.

And even in the tenderest times, when we feel most vulnerable, if we focus our awareness we are able to see and feel the support all around us.



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