spirit animals

Soaring Like An Eagle I Shifted My Perspective about a Painful Memory

It’s the calm before the storm kind of day today. If I’m honest, I rather like the anticipation and excitement this energy brings. Though I’ll miss my walk tomorrow morning as the winds are expected to be howling up to 40 miles per hour with sheets of rain to fall all day and into Saturday.

So out the door I was early this morning to take in the last peeks of sunshine. My first steps down the road I couldn’t see them, but heard a boisterous chorus of crow caws. It was also so very glorious to witness the sun touching down on the autumn colored leaves on the trees giving them a warm glow. While the leaves were still as could be as perhaps, they too, were enjoying the calm before the winds and rain come.

How alive my soul feels in these moments with nature and her creatures!

Strolling through my quiet town, my mind began to ponder the perspective shift I experienced two nights ago soaring with Eagle. This was the fourth class of a 5-week workshop series I signed up for called, Journeying with Spirit Animals and Sound Beings, facilitated by Dawn Brunke and Cheryl Schirillo.

First, looking at several images of Eagle as Dawn shared more about them, I noted how my eye was drawn to a few of the photos showing the underside of Eagle. I’d not realized how muscular and strong Eagle’s legs are and how they resemble turkey legs.

As Cheryl played instruments of flute and other sound beings in the background, Dawn guided us into a journey with Eagle. It was there that I’d see a Native American girl and boy standing in a meadow with a large rock between them. A few moments later an Eagle landed on the rock.

Not long after that the eagle spread its massive wings and ascended toward the sky, while the young girl and boy ran through the field in an effort to keep up with it. Eventually, they lay down in the meadow, gazing upward as they enjoyed watching Eagle soar.

It was then that I felt like I was the Eagle, flying high above mountains covered in snow, gliding back and forth in a looped pattern of an infinity symbol.

I then recalled being in middle school and saw myself on an outside track during gym class. The gym teacher insisting I continue to run around the track like the other kids, even though I was trying to catch my breath. Being an asthmatic since I was very young, exercise can trigger my asthma.

Oh, how I wished my lungs would allow me to run! My legs wanted to, but yet, I couldn’t. How I felt different and also frustrated with the teacher who insisted I keep running.

But then I heard Eagle say, but you could always fly. And a wave of emotion swept through me. How that memory, the young image of me not being able to breathe, and the emotions this evoked had weighed me down. But now, I saw myself in a refreshing new and lighter way.

I then felt a thrill of excitement as I realized that yes, of course, I could always fly! Who said I have to run? Those feelings at the time that weren’t fully processed, but now I felt freed by the message from Eagle.

As I continued to be Eagle skimming along the vast universe my lungs feeling expanded it was then I saw the Native American girl and boy join in flight on either side of me giggling with great delight!

After sharing my experience with the other participants, I’d also realize that my animal for the month is Eagle with the message of vision. At the beginning of each year I pull a card for each month and reflect on that animals teaching and how it will guide me for that particular month.

Eagle had given me a new vision instead of the one that felt painful and shifted my perspective with such a simple, but potent message.

Instead of that memory of what I couldn’t do, I reflect on what I can do. I love walking and I can also fly anytime I wish in my imagination realm!

Turning to Animal Reflections Healing Oracle guidebook and Eagle these words resonated to add to this experience:

Eagle reminds you to dive deep into the emotions triggered by uncertainty. This is what is necessary to fully appreciate the teachings of life ultimately serving to strengthen you.

The essence of who you are is made stronger by embracing all aspects of yourself while understanding twists and turns are part of the journey to get you where you need to be.


Where I need to be is right here as I am and willing to continue to let go of what weighs me down in order to free myself and soar like an Eagle.




Happy Spring Equinox! And Pick-A-Card Reading for You!

Hi Friends! It’s been a while, hasn’t it!?

I’m currently on vacation in Arizona and halfway through our six-week adventure. And our first time in our new-to-us 2010 Tiffin Allegro. I’ve been posting photos on my Facebook page if you are interested in that sort of thing. But to sum it up so far the one word I’ve said quite often is, WOW. It is such a gorgeous state! These mountains are simply stunning! I’m feeling so very blessed to have had the experience of seeing this lovely and magical area.

We’ve been going, going, going pretty much since we arrived in Camp Verde Valley on March 1st. But this week calls for a few days of rain, so we will be chilling out and getting a bit of work done. Not that my work feels like work, because it doesn’t, and I’ve actually been missing it a bit.

So I’ll be sharing another blog post soon about some cool stones and a guy that reminds me of ZZ Top…so I hope you’ll stay tuned.  🙂

And now…

time for a Spring Equinox reading! I’m using my soon-to-be-released deck, Animal Reflections Healing Oracle

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal – new dreams and intentions that will begin to spring forth and bring you new adventures and wisdom.
So think of a question you’ve been pondering. Then pick the left, middle, or right card for some guidance from the animals. 
Then scroll down to reveal your guidance…..
And I’d welcome hearing if your card resonated for you…
And if you aren’t too shy, I’d welcome hearing how it resonated for you…
Ready for your card reveal?….
Here you go!….

OVERALL MESSAGE: When we open ourselves to birthing ourselves anew, we by default are given a perspective we’d not considered, and this fresh way of looking at something often comes with unexpected surprises and opportunities that fulfill us in ways we’d not have even imagined.

Depending on what card you chose, below is your area to focus on.

LEFT CARD:  Spider – Rebirth. I hope that you will trust me that this is REALLY the first card I pulled at random. Because, you know, you just can’t make this stuff up! Spring is all about rebirth and new beginnings – and if you picked the left card, well, here is your confirmation to trusting that whatever you are going through right now is leading to a new you – a new way of living and embracing life. Rebirth can feel daunting at times – I understand – and why I had to have Spider in my deck as rebirth. It’s the things we fear – often our shadow – that when we face and understand it, leads us not only to a deeper appreciation of ourselves but helps us expand in self-compassion too.

MIDDLE CARD: Nuthatch – Perspective. Spring, again, is really a wonderful opportunity to see things anew! Perhaps something you’ve been struggling with is because you are caught in only seeing it from one point of view. Nuthatch is inviting you to pause and look at it from another perspective. Oftentimes when we do this, something we couldn’t see before comes to light and we are able to move forward with more ease.

RIGHT CARD: Peacock – Fulfillment. Is there an area in your life where you want to spread your wings and be your true self, but are afraid to do so out of fear of what others may think? Peacock encourages you to shine that light of yours out into the world! You can start small, but set an intention to do one thing each day to live life on your terms. Each time you do, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that will propel you forward to take another step. Before you know it, you will be strutting your stuff and feeling fulfilled like never before.

Again, I’d welcome hearing if your card resonated for you!

Happy Spring!



To book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

To book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.

Coming later this Spring!!


Animal Wisdom Oracle Reading Jan. 2023: Your Heart’s Motive, Trusting & New Discoveries

I had to remind myself to not sweat the small stuff as I had to record this month’s reading twice. Ha! But alas, it is here for you! A clean slate for a new year. Imagining all the possibilities, and in this reading, we are being reminded to check in with our heart to be sure we are following our true north star, and not a way of being we may have fallen into as a pattern.

Then come see what animal will guide us with this month’s theme who provides a bit of playful spirit too!

And in case you missed my free PDF gift to you of monthly animal wisdom for 2023 from my upcoming deck, Animal Reflections Healing Oracle, just click here to download your copy.

Click here or below to view the video reading! And if you’d like to schedule a one-to-one reading, see links below.



To book a private oracle reading just for you click here.

To book a private oracle reading for your pet (and you) click here.