spirit animals

Pet Grief: Integrating it one Pauseful Moment at a Time

Pet Grief: Integrating it one Pauseful Moment at a Time

It’s been a little over two months since Kylie left her earthly trail and now travels among the stars. With the full moon last night, driving home from date night with John, I couldn’t take my eyes off that mystical and magical glow in the night sky.

Alone in my thoughts I felt the presence of Kylie now a part of the vast universe and that exquisite orb so full of wonder and mystery. I’ve thought about her everyday since she moved on, and Tuesday afternoon on a saunter through the woods, I carried in my pocket a portion of her ashes to scatter.

It was a part on the trail I remember well and can still see Kylie standing there waiting for me in the early fall of 2013. It was a sacred and special time between her and and I when I took a two month sabbatical after my dachshund Joie, passed away. We formed a bond during that time which was magical and needed.

Scattering part of her ashes at this spot on the trail had been nudging at my heart for quite a few weeks now. But I wasn’t ready until now. In part, because I’ve been working through some things I needed to understand, and how her last days unfolded.

I don’t want to live in “what if’s” or regret, but instead honor her life by the many gifts she was to me and John, and also the gift of her legacy, which has come into full view with the help of two friends who have been thoughtful reflections for me the last few weeks.

So as I stood at this spot in the woods where I fondly recalled many happy days walking with Kylie and where our bond grew by leaps and bounds, I invoked an ancient Hawaiian practice a friend recently told me about. It spoke to me as the final piece I’d been waiting for to guide me to close the gap of healing that needed to take place.

It’s called Ho’oponopono and can help restore harmony within, and with others by saying, ‘I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.’

And so with each statement, beginning with ‘I’m sorry,’ I talked out loud to Kylie surrounded by the trees, standing on the very spot of the earth where I still see her face so full of joy and her heart bursting with love.

While what I talked to her about is private and between her and me, there were tears that I was finally able to release that had been whirling around in this inner black void.

As I shared with Kylie some things I was sorry about and wished I could have done differently, a hawk swooped across the trail about ten feet in front of me. It happened so fast, but yet it was as if time stood still as I was in complete awe.

Hawk’s appearance for me in that moment and what I’ve percolated in what I feel it meant, is that I believe Hawk symbolized not dwelling in the sorry, but to understand the deeper and true message of my life with Kylie. I take it as I was meant to swiftly move into the statement that was the hardest for me which was, ‘please forgive me.’ 

And once I did, and worked through that sharing with Kylie, this abundance of joy flooded my whole body as I then thanked her for all she was to me, and still is.

The final statement, of which is never truly final, and that of ‘I love you,’ opened the floodgates of pure, unconditional love. It brought me to this new place of healing for having taken the time to pause and remember that we truly can connect with those that are no longer physically here. And we can ask for what we need and say what we need to say, and know that it was heard and understood, just as the practice of Ho’oponopono teaches.

Integrating this piece of the healing into my being, I now understand on a new and needed level as Kylie’s legacy which speaks so beautifully to the depth of love she was not only for me, but for all those that loved her.

With some of her ashes now scattered in those tiny woods only five minutes from my home, I feel at peace knowing part of her spirit frolics among the trees. While I can be with her anytime I pause and take the time to do so, it’s that part of the trail that is now that much more sacred. I know I’ll be called to visit often and it will be the greatest honor to do so. 

I’ll see you soon sweet girl.

Lastly, I share this quote from the book, The Inner Life of Cats by Thomas McNamee’s. While I didn’t read the book, I appreciated the quote which I recently read on a fellow blogger’s website. While Thomas speaks about cats, I feel this quote really hits home the beauty and love and our dog companions, too.

“We love our cats with a purity and grace not possible in our love of our spouses, our parents, or even our children. People are too complicated for love as simple as what we bear to our cats. It is not agape, phileo, caritas, amor, or eros (roughly: selfless love, brotherly love, love of humankind, romantic love, and erotic love, respectively). I believe it has never been named. The kinship between our cats and ourselves reaches deep beneath consciousness, to a place before history, perhaps even before the development of self-expressible human intellect … It is devotional, like prayer, and like prayer it is met with silence. Our devotion is what gives cats their power.”



Animals as Oracles: A Quest to Connect, Contemplate and Create

The animal world has much to teach us. Some animals are experts at survival and adaptation. Some are great nurturers and protectors. Some have great fertility and others have great gentleness. Some embody strength and courage, while others can teach us playfulness. The animal world shows us the potentials we can unfold. But to learn from them, we must first learn to speak with them.

When we learn to speak with the animals, to listen with animal ears and to see through animal eyes, we experience the phenomena, the power, and the potential of the human essence. They become our teachers, our friends, and our companions. They show us the true majesty of life itself. They restore our forgotten childlike wonder at the world, and they reawaken our lost belief in magic, dreams and possibilities. ~Ted Andrews, author of Animal Speak – The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small

I feel so blessed to have, and continue to, experience many beautiful teachings from animals – dogs I’ve shared (and share) my life with – and many of the creatures in the animal kingdom.

In my quest to deepen this journey I want to:

  • Continue to deepen my love and understanding of animals, connecting more often with their symbolic teachings and wisdom.
  • Devote more time to my writing and journaling to allow teachings from the animals to gently bubble to the surface.
  • Deepen my work with oracle cards as a tool for self-reflection and insight I may not otherwise have thought of as a way in which to see the world in a more insightful and meaningful way.
  • Honor my desire to express my creativity, and especially that of playing more with something I could honestly get lost in for hours, which is creating with digital programs such as Canva.

So every day I will draw a card from an animal oracle deck, percolate in its wisdom, consider how I can integrate that animals teaching into my life…and then I will share my insight via a graphic I will design in Canva!

I welcome you to join me on this quest as a partner and sharing how animals have served as oracles in your life, too! Just follow along on Facebook or Instagram, using the hashtag #animalsasoracles

Today’s animal card from: Messages from Your Spirit Animal Guides by Dr. Steven Farmer

Hawk Medicine

Hawk Medicine

Welcome! I knew you could do it. 

This is what I heard a hawk convey to me, just as I entered the small woods near my home yesterday. I saw him high in a tree, and then as he gracefully lifted off taking flight. After hearing this message, I said out loud, ” Oh yes! This was so worth it. So worth it!”

As I wrote yesterday, I was in a funk. The voice inside that knows what is best for me had been nudging me for quite a few weeks to get outside. But we’ve been having below zero temps made even colder with bite-to-the bone wind chills so that voice was being drowned out by the wee little nagging voice that complained it was too cold out.

This isn’t the actual hawk I saw but a photo I found online. It was zero degrees yesterday and I was bundled up in many layers so I could have never gotten my two pair of gloves off fast enough to get a picture.

But it does not matter because seeing that hawk and hearing his message made my heart soar! I have no doubt what-so-ever he was just waiting for me to confirm that I was right where I needed to be, taking that walk on such a chilly day.

The sun was brilliant, the skies an icy blue, and the winds calm, along with Hawk, it was just the medicine I needed to adjust my attitude which I sorely needed.

There is truly nothing like nature to remind you of how grand life is if we can take our focus off our silly little worries for a time being. And you know what? Just that half hour in nature had me feeling as if I could fly, just like Hawk!

After sharing this post, I heard from my 80 something year old friend, Jerry who wrote, “It’s true that I can’t tolerate the cold outside as well as I did even ten years ago, I have goose down, and I have my old-fart’s hat with the insulation and ear flaps. We went out for an early dinner on New Year’s Eve, and it’s the first time I’ve sat in an upscale restaurant with thermal longjohns under my good clothes, but old age brings many firsts. So try to enjoy it.” 

Point taken my friend, point taken. And a lovely quote he shared with me from T.S. Elliot, in “The Wasteland.” 

Winter kept us warm, covering

Earth in forgetful snow, feeding

A little life with dried tubers.

Pays to have wise old friends to keep us in check and I take this advice, tuck it under my fuzzy hood on my coat, and will carry with me.

And since my dear friend, Jerry isn’t on Facebook (of which I think is very wise of him at times, too) I share some pictures from my walk yesterday and today… and I hope it will inspire you, along with Jerry’s sage advice, to partake in the magic of nature…

Made it up the first hill after seeing Hawk and the cold was no longer a factor!
Hello trees! Oh, how I’ve missed you!
So pretty!
Interesting art in nature!
Right before heading out of the woods I came across the very busy bunny trail crossing!
Me and my shadow plus a walking stick friend I picked up along the way. The stick now awaits me for next time as I left at the edge of the woods. Can’t wait to see him and maybe Hawk again!

Sunday morning walk photos below.

I decided to walk earlier today with the intention that I hoped I’d see some deer. Lucky me, but also proof for me that we are truly connected and one with nature, the animals, and the universe…because as I walked down one part of the trail that is steep, I looked up just in time to see four deer run across the path about fifteen feet in front of me! Oh yes, so dang worth it. So worth it!!

First on the trail this morning!
What was and the promise of what will be again.
There’s a trio of trees like this, all with wooden fences around them, as we live in a part of the Kettle Moraine area. Fascinating how the landscape is, I think.
My walking stick friend which I leave to rest here after my walk. See you again soon!