spirit animals

It’s OK to Celebrate Yourself and Your Accomplishments!

How often, especially as women, do we squelch our accomplishments for fear other’s may say we are bragging or we worry that other’s may think, “who does she think she is?”

Well, I’m celebrating myself and I’m proud, oh-so-proud, to share that I’ve completed the Personal Mastery Level of Oracle School studying with Colette Baron-Reid. This is the school I feel like I’ve been looking for my whole life – well, actually, I guess you could say the past couple of years.  🙂

They weren’t kidding when they said it’s not for everyone – it’s hard, deep, personal work. And there were days I questioned why the heck (OK, truth be told, I really said hell – ha!), signed up for this. The fact I took this challenge on is why I’m proud and why I’m… 


Even though hard work at times, the reward of sitting through some very uncomfortable things, has led me to a new place of peace and understanding within. And this place feels pretty darn wonderful.

The cool thing is that I never have to leave this school if I don’t want to. And I don’t. I actually just registered to take the next level, Shared Wisdom and The Invision Process. This will be an even deeper dive into not only my own psyche, but to expand on mastering specific Universal Laws and the mystical understanding of the world around us which includes signs, symbols, synchronicity and spirit animals (big WOO HOO on the Spirit Animals as if you’ve been following me for awhile you know how much this speaks to me!!).

This is right up my alley and what I love learning about, and sharing and being of service in helping others seeking to live a more meaningful life. It fits in line with my motto to pause often, listen deeply and capture what matters, because when we take time to be in touch with our inner world, and learn to see how that is connected to the outer world, we find that we are not alone, and that Spirit is supporting us every step of the way.

This school, and the many practices I’ve put in place over the years, also keeps me tuned into my intuition. When I trust my heart (also intuition!) I’ve found that it leads me down my next and right path each time. 

And this is why I celebrate, because choosing to live a meaningful life isn’t always easy, but it is so worth it. So worth it!

Much love and gratitude,


Click here or on graphic to learn more about my oracle card readings and intuitive guidance…

Trust the Flow of Life. Kylie’s Still Reminding Me from the Other Side.

Trust the Flow of Life. Kylie's Still Reminding Me from the Other Side.

This is the last photo I took of Kylie. It was five days before we had to say goodbye to her on the day after Thanksgiving. 

I woke yesterday with a very heavy energy though I wasn’t sure why. I dismissed it as perhaps it was due to the weather which was very gray, with low heavy clouds and rain expected along with a possible thunderstorm in the evening.

I had an errand I planned on running in the afternoon. But after trying to get some work done which included prepping for the Animals as Oracles teleseminar this Thursday, nothing was coming together. There was no sense trying to push through as nothing was coming together.

I tried to put my trust in that tomorrow (today) would be better and I just had to allow the next 24-hours to be what they were supposed to be.

I decided to take a break and run my errand sooner, rather than later. Getting back in my car after the errand I noticed there was a message on my phone. It was from the vet clinic letting me know Kylie’s cremains were in. I was only two minutes from the clinic.

My heart thumped in my chest and I took a deep breath. Gidget was in the car with me. I looked at her and softly said, “Let’s go get Kylie and bring her home.”

After I signed the paper that released Kylie’s cremains to me, I picked up the box and walked out the front door to my car. I could feel the tears close to the edge as my lip started to quiver. I wanted more than anything to bring her home in physical form instead of what now remained.

As I drove home, I let the tears come and once home I cried just as hard as the day we said goodbye to her in the vet’s exam room. Crying is healing, so I let it all come out.

I tried to push myself once again and get some work done. But it wouldn’t come. And as it turned out, it wasn’t meant to be as I had some family issues that needed to be addressed also and I needed to take care of that instead.

As I can often do, though I’m much better these days, I did start to go down that rabbit hole of beating myself up that I’d not gotten much done that day. I worried that I wouldn’t be ready for the teleseminar on Thursday and then began to also worry about impending projects coming up soon, too.

But then I stopped. And I reflected on what I’ve learned from Kylie – to trust and go with the flow – and to trust that all would work out as planned.

That evening after taking an Epsom and Himalyan Salt bath, I sat on my over-sized red chair in the living room, the lights on the Christmas tree twinkling in the corner, and between finishing a book about a Christmas story, and watching a storm roll through, I could literally feel the heavy energy leave my body.

Before I closed my eyes last night I silently said, “Tomorrow is going to be a better and more productive day.” And you know what? It indeed has been and I’m so grateful for how it all flowed today. And I’m so excited about talking with Dr. Cara Gubbins and sharing stories about how animals serve as oracles in our lives.

And this is the thing. When we trust in the flow of life and try not to force it, things to seem to always have a way of working out.

And I have Kylie to thank for being a beautiful oracle for me, not only while here on earth, but in Spirit.

There is still time to register for this free teleseminar this Thursday, December 7th at 11am pst/ Noon est/1 pm cst. If you can’t make it live, if you register, a replay will be sent. 

Hope to “see” you on the call!

Much love and gratitude,


A Celebration of Spirit Dog in Spirit

A Celebration of Spirit Dog in Spirit

I love the statement, ‘finding a soft spot to land.’

I’ve used it a few times in my writing. It’s those difficult times you come through that you never thought you could, but you look back and see that you have. And it’s this peace in your heart that ever-so-gently is like a soft flutter that glides down from the divine,  coating your heart with pure, sweet love – like a fluffy pillow that your soul now rests in a new knowing.

Today Frankie is seventeen years old. Though she left her physical body at almost thirteen. I really have no idea that when she was alive why I wanted her to live to be seventeen. That shall remain a mystery and that’s okay. Because in spirit she is eternal and age becomes insignificant.

But I pause with extra fondness today at the mysterious significance of seventeen, and in deep gratitude for having had her in my life. It changed my life forever. And while she feels farther away than when she passed over five years ago, I now have this knowing that she is here when I need her, and all I have to do is be in stillness to connect with her. This amazing gift she helped me to see that even in spirit our loved ones are here for us if we ask.

Without a doubt I believe Frankie being in my life was to help me to grow and evolve. For many years after her passing I was afraid to do that. I held on tightly to what was, and what I believed was my sole purpose of being here. But to not have taken steps to continue to move forward would have meant her teachings would have been lost and in vane.

I know she wants me to continue to thrive and expand. This has meant letting go of some things this summer that were bittersweet, but that I felt in my heart needed to be put to rest. Not easy as I had some fear of judgement of what others may think or say. But I reflect on one of Frankie’s many lessons, which was to stand tall and be proud of who I am. And so I am…and this will be my life long tribute to her in that I continue to accept myself for who I am.

And I know that in the vast cosmos of spirit she wags her tail and barks,  “Way to go and keep following your heart!” 

Frankie…my forever heart and spirit dog…I’ll celebrate you always.

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