
A Meditation: The Wolf and Me.

wolf and meOn Monday I had the opportunity to be taken through a guided meditation by the woman who was helping me through a recent challenge. It was our last session together as I’m feeling great to be on my way now with wonderful tools in place to return to if need be at some point.

But back to the guided meditation– I thought I’d step out of my comfort zone and share with you.

As I’ve mentioned lately, I’ve been opening myself more to being aware of what animal wisdom (besides my dogs) are trying to teach me. So it really should be no surprise what happened during the meditation, but yet, it has left me in awe.

During the guided meditation I found myself at the base of a mountain. When I looked around I saw a river and then saw a wolf nearby, howling with his snout pointed to the sky. At first I felt scared, but then was fascinated and quite curious that Wolf showed up.

The fear began to subside as he looked my way and we were looking into each others eyes.  I slowly walked closer  to a large rock that was next to Wolf. I sat down. After a few moments I reached out and stroked his fur. I wasn’t afraid. I was in complete awe of being in the presence of Wolf — an animal so many fear.

I was then asked to listen for a message from whatever Spirit was before me. I didn’t get anything at first. I told myself I was trying too hard — just be open — see what comes.

Wolf brought me a message that I’ve heard before when I’m working through something — this time I’m determined to take this in and honor it. But Wolf said, “You are worthy and loved. All will be okay.”

The next instruction was to stand behind Spirit, which was Wolf for me, and see through his eyes as Wolf/Spirit sees me. It came to me almost instantly as I saw myself as this huge red heart with a orange glow around it. Wow, I thought. Wolf/Spirit sees me as Love.

This brought tears to my eyes because how often we don’t see ourselves as Love — our mind beating ourselves up one thought after another. But the lesson that we are indeed a part of Spirit is one that we need to honor.

It was a powerful experience for me and I became quite emotional as I relayed it back after the meditation.

I drove home wanting to somehow capture what occurred so it would stay with me. And that’s when it came to me that I could create a SoulCollage card from my experience.

Not only was I so excited to create this card to honor Wolf and his teaching to me, but to honor myself… and quite tickled at how this is all unfolding just as I get ready to leave for the SoulCollage retreat this weekend.

The meditation and doing the SoulCollage is such a great reminder of the wisdom we have within us if we take the time to listen and pay attention.

The background photo of the mountain courtesy of my friend, Dawn who lives in Alaska. I love that it is part of my card too as Dawn has been an important part of my journey the past 2 1/2 years in very special ways.

I Found My Easter Egg’s and My Light Shines Brighter

IMG_1972Happy Easter to each of you. While I don’t celebrate in the traditional way of going to church, I connect in my own way with the meaning of this special day.

A day of hope and renewal. Another chance to see that beautiful light within me and to let it shine just a bit more brighter. That this day signals another gift in itself. Another opportunity to let down my guard that I sometimes build around me, and be who I was created to be.

Today is also day seven of my meditation that I have been doing called Finding the Flow. A free 21-day mediation with Oprah and Deepak Chopra. It was about exploring our true self as light. “Light is around us and within us – it is our guide on the path toward self-realization… As we open to the light within, we connect to the divine light that illuminates our soul, awakening us to our real self, and the light that connects all things.”

I am connected to God/Spirit/Universe in my own, unique way. It is my guide to shine that light within me out into the world. I am not always perfect and sometimes find myself in struggle. But this special day called Easter I give thanks for another chance at renewal. A day to accept past and present struggles, as they are a part of my journey which has helped me move closer to the true light that is me.

As I lay in bed today thinking about all the little kids that will search for their Easter eggs, I found myself wishing I could be a kid again — the anticipation of the treasures they will find on their Easter egg hunt and all the goodies within their baskets. And then I realized I can still go to that place. It is always there for me to tap into. That joy of finding surprises and feeling so alive.

I found my Easter egg’s today and all it’s treasures inside as I glanced over at John and he said, “Happy Easter.” My next treasure awaited me as I lifted Gidget out of her bed and kissed her on the side of her snout. And finally, Kylie, who came to greet me with her tail wagging good morning.

I’m grateful for all that I have and for this awakening that continues to evolve in me, even when the journey has been filled with doubt and pain. And for Easter, I am giving thanks for its gifts of renewal and hope as it washes away the past to help that light in me to shine brighter.

Once the soul awakens, the search begins and you can never go back. -John O’Donohue

Soul Food Feeds My Spirit. Especially One In Particular. Bet You Can’t Guess!

full face shotYesterday on my blog I talked about a class I am taking and my aha moment with understanding the present moment and meditation better. My aha was that I moved into an even deeper understanding of my connection with present moment and dogs which equals my meditation.

A few weeks ago I listened to an audio program called “Ask Your Spirit Guides” by Sonia Choquette. I’ve always been fascinated with the spirit world and what is there to help us while in the physical world. But I find myself increasingly even more intrigued and wanting to know more.  I also always thought it had to be so complicated. I’m learning it really isn’t.

Spirit is all about paying attention to how we feel. Not only that, but then trusting how we feel. We are so conditioned to go with what our mind is telling us, rather than how our heart feels.  Spirit, according to Sonia is really our own higher self.

To understand it more simply she talks about being sensitive to our spirit. Ask yourself what does your spirit like? What does your spirit love? What do you feed it?  These things are what makes you love life and feel alive. They help you feel positive.

We were encouraged to make a list of our soul food.  Here is mine, and if you have followed me on my blog for quite some time, it should not come as any surprise what my first spirit food is!  I share my list with you and encourage you to make your own.  Then feast from at least one of your soul foods each and every day.

1.  Spending time with, and nurturing my dogs.  Also spending time with other animals when I can. (on a side note:  during my sabbatical I visited a local ranch that is interestingly enough run by nuns on a property that also houses a nursing home.  The animals are used as therapy for the residents.  Anyone can visit the animals. Being with the donkeys, llama’s, rabbits, sheep, chickens, etc. was wonderful soul food and time fell away).

2. Listening to piano music (listening to that right now as I write my blog post, which I normally do.  Love Pandora!).

3. Arranging fresh flowers for my kitchen table.

4.  Perusing home magazines.

5. Decorating or re-arranging my living room.

6.  Lighting candles.

7.  Riding my bike.

8.  Reading.

9.  Practicing Yoga.

10.  Making a conscious effort to take my time each day instead of rushing.

11.  Hanging laundry on the line to dry which I call laundry therapy.

There are so many ways in which we can feed our spirit.  I know that when I do I am a much happier person.  These are more moments of being in the present moment. I also believe by feeding our soul daily it ultimately leads to seeing more grace in our lives.

What is your soul food?  I’d love to hear!  Share in a comment below!