
Wisdom of Healing from Mourning Dove

By embracing love, instead of fear, we become an example of the compassion and strength needed to help change the world. Peace was never won with violence and faith has never been met with darkness. Let us share hope with others through our intention to make the world a better place, one moment and one action at a time. ~Louise Hay

I woke with a heavy heart today. As an empath, I have to be careful that I don’t surround myself with too much anger or negativity. It does not mean that I’m ignorant to what is transpiring in our world, but in order for me to be my best self and serve the greater good in what I believe can add to the world in a positive way, I have to not get caught in a downward spiral of anger or fear.

And this means sometimes separating myself from the anger and fear, and doing the work I need to do to keep myself in balance. I don’t always remember to do this and can get caught up in the fear of which I found myself beginning to spiral down into this morning.

Lost is this whirl of emotions I was feeling, I glanced out onto my deck to see two mourning doves. To me, they represent love and peace – and my heart lightened realizing this powerful message that I needed to be reminded of in that moment.

Researching further into their symbolism I found this:  But far from representing death, the symbolism of mourning doves gives us optimism with its spirituality. Beyond their sorrowful song is a message of life, hope, renewal and peace.

While there is so much poison of fear being spread wide and far these days, I still hold onto hope, even when it’s hard, and I feel it quite heavy in my heart, and all I want to do is not function.

I had a choice this morning – I could let my heavy heart lead for the day – or I could work through my feelings to help them to begin to shift. The mourning doves were that needed symbol for me.

Taking a moment to expand on this, I sat down and picked two oracle cards for the day, plus one of my SoulCollage® cards. They were further confirmation of what I needed in working through all my feelings.

From The Nature-Speak Oracle – Rose – Love & Healing:  The appearance of rose, indicates an opening of the heart and the ability to touch the hearts of others. Your ability to express love now has great healing potentials – for yourself and others.

From Wisdom for Healing – Observe Your Conversations: Observe the conversations you engage in today. Are they productive or mean-spirited? Are they filled with gossip or stimulating information? Your goal: to recognize the quality of information you feed your mind each day.

My SoulCollage® card: This card represents peace and honor to me. Striving for peace and honoring that in myself and helping others to find that within themselves, which means I have to (and want to) be that example.

While I kept gradually shifting back into the space of my own truth and what I believe, yet another sign appeared from a friend who posted this image this morning saying: This is the month of love. I’m tired of all the anger and I think the we need more love!

And so it is.

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The Road Less Traveled. My Heart Reminisces and Blossoms.

The Road Less Traveled. My Heart Reminices and Blossoms.

There was a time in my life that taking the shortest, fastest route was how I traveled anywhere I went. Just thinking about that now makes me want to jump out of my skin.

These days I look for the most scenic route to take. This often means taking the back roads. The roads less traveled these days it seems. I try to avoid the long stretch of speed and concrete on the super highways if possible.

I actually feel different and better when I do.

This morning I didn’t plan accordingly with my time when I set out to go to the dentist. As I was driving 70 miles an hour down the highway I felt my soul shrink into a safe place, not wanting to keep pace with the cars rushing by me.

I knew after my dental cleaning was done that to entice my soul back out of its cocoon that a picturesque ride back home would be in the cards.

The dentist office I go to is about a half hour from my home. It is also close to the neighborhood I grew up as a little girl. I didn’t have anywhere to be after my appointment so I rambled home the long and slow way.

What a treat!  I love driving down Geele Avenue to 10th street where I walked those sidewalks many a times when I went to Washington Elementary School. I don’t have vivid memories of being a young girl, but I do remember bits and parts. Like trick or treating at night, which I loved and wish they still did today. I also remember playing “Barbie dolls” with my friend Liz on the different corners of our block.

When I travel this way, back to the “old” neighborhood I think about all the good memories of my childhood. Past my house on 10th street I went. Such a long time ago. Another life and many chapters ago. Going past the house I lived in until in the seventh grade, I often think of my childhood friend, Kelly. I fondly called her Kewee and she called me Bwarpie. She lived a few short blocks away and between the two of us we had a pretty big stuffed animal collection.

I took the country roads home, listening to the Doris Day station on Pandora, which I’m addicted to lately. Past farms, barns, cows, sheep, horses, and blossoming trees as my soul slowly peeked back out again. I swear I heard it sigh in relief.

And past part of the Sheboygan River I went. Not a car in site, so I got out and took the photo above. I could hear the water rushing under the bridge and it made my heart feel home. There is just something about nature that makes me feel at peace.

As I got back in the car I silently gave thanks for this time I had to take the long way home. The road less traveled never seems to feed my soul in such a beautiful way.

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The “Seaside Donkey” Film. I Couldn’t Stop Smiling. A Donklightful Review!

The “Seaside Donkey” Film. I Couldn’t Stop Smiling. A Donklightful Review!

The tagline? 1000 miles around Wales, with a donkey. Indeed, that is the succinct description of what the film is about.


Last night, I snuggled Miss Gidget on my lap, downloaded the film, Seaside Donkey onto my ipad, and was immediately hooked from the start.

It is a one hour and seventeen minute donkumentary (as it is creatively described!) by filmmaker Rhys Thwaites-Jones, and it captivated me.


Though, truly no surprise to those who know me and that I simply adore donkeys! Just as much as dachshunds I must confess. And interestingly they are both similar in many ways!  Stubborn, willful, affectionate, and wise creatures they are.


Hannah Engelkamp set out on a quest to travel around Wales, along the seaside, on foot, with an ass (err, donkey!) named Chico beside her as her companion. She conjured up in her mind this romantic and meditative journey.

The thing is, Hannah never had an animal in her life. She had no idea what she was about to experience in the human-animal bond phenomenon. And this is exactly why the film had me laughing out loud often, smiling just about the whole way through, and my heart melting and eyes misting over with tears and what Chico was teaching her.

Donkeys don’t like water and don’t care to climb hills. And there would be plenty of that on their jaunt around Wales which had me laughing, but also feeling very much the frustration Hannah was experiencing.

But also intriguing as it was a reminder that we are not in control. A reminder to live in the present moment and take it as it is. Donkey wisdom, don’t you know, is so wise!

The film shows how simple life can be and the immense joy we can find in that, which left me wanting even more simplicity in my own. It also taught Hannah, strong-willed herself, that asking for help isn’t a bad thing. There were times it was the only way — and the gifts she received in letting go were unexpected and delightful rewards.

This film and it’s book version (which I’ll be reading next and can hardly wait!), is one I took part in donating to via a Kickstarter campaign.

I greatly admire Ms. Englekamp for her kick-ass (ass pun intended!) attitude and adventurous spirit. It was an honor to support this endearing, full of laughter, and wisdom at every turn story.

If you love donkeys, admire those who follow their hearts calling, and live from the inside, out… well, do yourself a favor and check this film and book out today at Seaside Donkey website. It was truly donklightful!

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