
Postcards from Spirit Review Plus Synchronicity Moment

It’s always so fun getting a new oracle card deck! So I just had to show you! And there was synchronicity at play here when I chose a card at random to share with you, too. Hope you enjoy as much as I did doing this for you!

Much love and gratitude,

It’s OK to Celebrate Yourself and Your Accomplishments!

How often, especially as women, do we squelch our accomplishments for fear other’s may say we are bragging or we worry that other’s may think, “who does she think she is?”

Well, I’m celebrating myself and I’m proud, oh-so-proud, to share that I’ve completed the Personal Mastery Level of Oracle School studying with Colette Baron-Reid. This is the school I feel like I’ve been looking for my whole life – well, actually, I guess you could say the past couple of years.  🙂

They weren’t kidding when they said it’s not for everyone – it’s hard, deep, personal work. And there were days I questioned why the heck (OK, truth be told, I really said hell – ha!), signed up for this. The fact I took this challenge on is why I’m proud and why I’m… 


Even though hard work at times, the reward of sitting through some very uncomfortable things, has led me to a new place of peace and understanding within. And this place feels pretty darn wonderful.

The cool thing is that I never have to leave this school if I don’t want to. And I don’t. I actually just registered to take the next level, Shared Wisdom and The Invision Process. This will be an even deeper dive into not only my own psyche, but to expand on mastering specific Universal Laws and the mystical understanding of the world around us which includes signs, symbols, synchronicity and spirit animals (big WOO HOO on the Spirit Animals as if you’ve been following me for awhile you know how much this speaks to me!!).

This is right up my alley and what I love learning about, and sharing and being of service in helping others seeking to live a more meaningful life. It fits in line with my motto to pause often, listen deeply and capture what matters, because when we take time to be in touch with our inner world, and learn to see how that is connected to the outer world, we find that we are not alone, and that Spirit is supporting us every step of the way.

This school, and the many practices I’ve put in place over the years, also keeps me tuned into my intuition. When I trust my heart (also intuition!) I’ve found that it leads me down my next and right path each time. 

And this is why I celebrate, because choosing to live a meaningful life isn’t always easy, but it is so worth it. So worth it!

Much love and gratitude,


Click here or on graphic to learn more about my oracle card readings and intuitive guidance…

Accepting the Mystery of Life

Accepting the Mystery of Life

It occurred to me last week going through some challenges that there are just going to be some things that remain a mystery. We may never know answers to those things that which seem to defy explanation or understanding.

That’s not always easy because our human minds seem to demand to wrap itself around something. Anything.

I was reminded of that again today when I did my daily ritual, which is picking two of my SoulCollage(r) cards from my deck, which I’ve been creating since last November.

I had first picked up some leaves outside, came inside to my writing cottage and placed the leaves on a green plate with some dried hazelnuts and acorns. I then lit a candle, and picked two of my cards to see what wisdom they had for me today.

And wouldn’t you know it… the two cards that came up are are two that have remained a mystery to me for quite sometime. I still haven’t a clue what they mean. Perhaps I may never know.

But again, here it was, a lesson in trying to be comfortable in the mystery of it… just like those moments in life when you know you will likely never have an answer for something that is perplexing you.

It’s a call to find wisdom in just that… the mystery of the unexplained.

Speaking of SoulCollage(r), I just got done reading a book written by fellow facilitator, Anne Marie Bennett, Through the Eyes of SoulCollage(r).  It’s a collection of essays she written on reflections of life through the lens of SoulCollage(r).

You can read my review here on Amazon and I just have to say how much I loved this book. Even if you don’t create, or will ever create, SoulCollage(r) cards, I believe you will find something of value and inspiration in her essays.


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