
Listening Below the Surface. Signposts Along the Way.

Listening Below the Surface. Signposts Along the Way.

Three years ago at this time I was learning how to just be still.  In our crazy go, go, go world, the idea of just stopping most of everything I was doing in my working world and take a sabbatical felt like a very scary thing to do.

In part, because I was afraid of losing all I had worked so hard to build. I worried that others would think I was selfish or wouldn’t understand. I was afraid to hear what was just below the surface of my consciousness. But this inner niggle had been trying to get my attention for quite some time. It’s request to me was to slow down and re-evaluate what I wanted for my life.

I ignored that inner voice for too long, in part, because I just didn’t know what it was I wanted and that was scarier than just being and feeling uncomfortable. Until my dog, Joie, died…she was my wake-up call to be still and go within.

I can say today that I’m so glad I took that two month sabbatical. There were so many spiritual signposts during that time that were my guides, as they have also been while I worked to complete the writing of this time in my life, and now as I get ready to release that story.

The quote above is one of those, what I call a spiritual signposts, that crossed my path last Friday while perusing a magazine. This quote, and the time I spent on a personal inward mission speaks to what I learned…and that wisdom finds us when we are willing to be still and in silence. Just like when sleeping, answers oftentimes come to things we struggle with come to us during time of rest.

And may I share one other thing?  When I’ve been open to the spiritual signposts it sure has made my life that much more enriching and meaningful – besides the many goosebumps they’ve given me! And that is my intention – to continue to awaken to this time and space I’m within, and all it has to offer me if I continue to practice stillness, listen to my heart, and pay attention to how it truly is all divinely orchestrated if I just stay out of my own way.

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“Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift.” The Rewards of Book Editing.

"Wisdom Found in the Pause - Joie's Gift." The Rewards of Book Editing.

Just as it began to storm this afternoon, I finished the editing of the printed version of my manuscript. My first task when I got it back from my editor recently was to go through and read the changes and accept or reject them. I also had to clean up some areas where more clarification was needed.

When that was done, I had the manuscript printed out at my local printers. You’d be amazed at looking at it on paper how you find mistakes you might not have otherwise on the computer. But that is what I’ve been working on this week. And now that task is complete. Next I will make the changes on my file in the computer.  I also came up with chapter titles as I edited the paper version. So now I will let those marinate in my mind and sleep on them for a few nights.

Lastly, I will write the Afterword. I’m sure that will begin to form words and begin to wake me the next few early mornings. That is typically what happens for me. But I’m looking forward to it and welcoming the writing of it.

The rewards of editing have been seeing it come closer to a finished product. And one of the nicest rewards was sitting on my over-sized wicker chair in my writing cottage with Miss Gidget nestled next to me. She has been wonderful moral support.


And today after I finished the paper edited version, I sat down and s-l-o-w-l-y ate a Ghirardelli dark chocolate and mint square. One must have a special treat when one has worked so hard!

Another reward is feeling more at peace with this book. The book cover is in the process of being designed which is exciting. I can’t wait to share it with you!

And lastly, I’m ready now more than ever to finally let this book go and out into the world to find its way. It’s been a long journey but one I’ve come to understand had to unfold as it did.

I hope you will stay tuned friends and join me in the celebration of the creative process!

 Thank you for sharing and subscribing to my blog updates.

The Whisper of Winter that Fell in the Night

The Whisper of Winter that Fell in the Night

Winter came in again like a soft whisper overnight and we woke to a fresh blanket of white powder.

A hush of stillness fell over the neighborhood for just a time being before snowblowers broke the silence.

But in my writing cottage, I lit a candle, stepped my bare feet onto my yoga mat and drank in the view outside my window, sinking gently into the stillness within me.

Just like the snowflakes that fall so gracefully in the silence of the night weaving their creative beauty for all to see in the first morning light.


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