The world is full of symbology that supports, guides and comforts us. My father-in-law’s ashes now rest in a mausoleum and his dedicated space is on the end next to a large half-moon window with a view of pine trees. Within moments of my father-in-law’s ashes being placed inside, one on my sister-in-law’s exclaimed, “Did you just see the cardinal fly from the tree?”
A red cardinal is often associated with representing that a deceased loved one is visiting you. My father-in-law loved birds. Their yard is evident of this with the many feeders and berms to support a loving and nurturing environment for many varieties of birds to thrive.
I found it also interesting that on Thursday, five days after he passed, I saw a cardinal in our dwarf lilac tree. The following day I saw it again on our deck railing. Then driving home from the grocery store that same day, I saw one fly across the road in front of me. Before this, I’d not seen one since the summer.
I so appreciate how we are being supported in these beautiful ways and it brings so much comfort.
Ok, onto the reading for the week! Similar to last week, I’ve picked two cards. Pick one (left) or two (right) from The Ark Animal Tarot and Oracle photo above. After you’ve made your choice of card one or two, click below on the choice you made to hear the message from your animal guide for the week.
As always, if you wish to explore deeper with a challenge you dealing with, I’m happy to help with my one-to-one oracle guidance sessions.