therapy dog

Kylie Working her Therapy Dog Magic on Her Special Friend

IMG_0237As I’ve said in the past, as well as write about in my book, “Through Frankie’s Eyes,” I had high hopes that Kylie would have been my therapy dog 8 1/2 years ago when I brought her home as a pup. Instead, Frankie filled that role. And as it turned out, Kylie is a homebody, and venturing out into the world is not her thing.

But she loves and adores our friend, Cassy. In fact, besides me and John, Kylie has never let anyone lay on her like a pillow as she does with Cassy.

These two were meant to come together in the special way that they have. To fill a beautiful role in each others lives. It always warms my heart when I see these two bonding together. I love them both so much.

Last night we grilled out, played ladder golf, and had beautiful conversation with Cassy. We reminisced about how the fact this weekend one year ago she came to live with us as she transitioned through a divorce. Last summer seems now like it is so surreal. But in that time we all formed a bond  that feels like our own special definition of family.

We all have learned so much in the past year – some times trying and hard – but the rewards of being there for Cassy have been some of the greatest blessings for John and I. We often call her our “little bird.” To see her flying out into the world on her own now (she moved out last September) comes with so many emotions I never thought I’d experience and I’m grateful for all of them.

And it turns out after all that Kylie is her own unique therapy dog in that she will always give Cassy a soft place to lay her head when she needs it, as we will always welcome Cassy to her “home away from home” when she needs it, too.

Special Announcement: Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Children’s Book Series Now on Kindle

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I’m so excited to share with you this special announcement that my award-winning non-fiction, inspirational children’s books about the life of Frankie, and her volunteer therapy dog work at Libby’s House, a Alzheimer’s facility, are now available on Kindle! During Frankie’s lifetime she inspired thousands of children to be positive and make a difference no matter what their challenges in life.  She continues to inspire generations today and generations to come.

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog

A true, inspirational story about a dachshund whose life started out just like any other dog walking on all four paws until a spinal injury leaves her paralyzed. Frankie is custom-fitted for a wheelchair and learns to keep on rolling. Her zest for life will have you cheering and she will give you hope that all things are possible. Frankie will leave an everlasting and loving paw print on your heart. A book for all ages to teach overcoming challenges and also compassion for the physically challenged.  See reviews here or order your Kindle copy today here!

Awarded: National Best Book 2008 from USA Book News, Merial Human-Animal Bond Award from Dog Writer’s of American Association, Editor’s Choice award from Allbooks Review, and Indie Excellence Awards Finalist

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby’s House

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog keeps rolling along in her doggie wheelchair. This paralyzed dachshund’s unabashed healing, exuberant spirit, and spunky personality is a blessed gift to everyone she befriends. In this true, inspirational story, Frankie tells how she became a registered therapy dog and shares her visits to Libby’s House, a senior facility where many residents have Alzheimer’s or dementia. Frankie teaches us that patience, listening, and understanding opens our hearts to what matters most—love. See reviews here or order your Kindle copy today here!

Awarded: Indie Excellence Award, Midwest Book Award finalist

Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Inducted into the Wisconsin Pet Hall of Fame as Companion Dog

***A portion of all proceeds from Barbara’s books, paperback or electronic go to the Frankie Wheelchair Fund which helps dogs with mobility challenges who need a wheelchair.***

Remembering Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog- Video

As I’ve been preparing for my book launch this Thursday, I put together a Powerpoint slideshow that will be on a loop for the event that evening. I wanted to also do something special for all of you that have been loyal Frankie fans and can’t be at my book launch.
So grab a cup of tea or coffee, or your favorite beverage and sit a spell… and take a walk down memory lane with me and the love dog on wheels who lives on not only in my heart… but the hearts of many.