I spent the morning yesterday at a colleague’s home, Pam, planning a workshop she and I will be co-facilitating in June called Connecting with Your True Nature through the Spirit of Horse and SoulCollage®.
We’ve been in the planning stages for this since mid-January and I’m really excited about it. We take turns and go between my writing cottage and her place out in the country as we work through all the details that go into planning a half day workshop.
I love the drive to her place and smiled when I pulled up to her driveway yesterday to see the tree at the end of the drive decorated with Easter eggs. It wasn’t yet snowing and I took a picture of the tree.
But by the time I left two hours later it had begun to snow and later that afternoon Pam took a photo of the egg tree in the midst of the snowstorm, which we are still in the middle of today.
I share Pam’s photo above as I love the contrast of the bright colored eggs and the blustery, snowy weather blowing through the picture.
It also reminds me that this is how life is. It ebbs and flows and evolves. This tree is likely not confused, but knows that spring will soon return and the eggs will gently sway soon enough in a warm, spring breeze.
It patiently waits knowing this too shall pass and it’s branches will bud once again.
And I couldn’t help but think this is how my life feels lately, too. For three years being in transition, not sure what direction I was heading next, at times felt like I’d never find a new path. And many days I had this internal storm as I worked through many different feelings.
But I find myself in a new place of fulfilling avenues I’m planning and pursuing such as this workshop with Life Coach, Pam. I feel so blessed to be working side-by-side with her.
And when I look back, it seems like that three years went so fast and are a distant memory now. Just like the snow upon the tree decorated with Easter eggs which will soon be free of the heavy snow and replaced with the feathery and light leaves of spring and summer.
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