tree frog

Critters Crack Me Up!

Critters Crack Me Up!

While I’ve shared often my belief that animals often have messages for us, as I’ve experienced, whether in the wild, that live in our home, or we see in images, sometimes they just are. Meaning, there’s not always a message or insight to be gleaned from them.

Such as this morning. I was brushing my teeth, wandering around the house. I can’t stand still and often move about for the two minutes my electric toothbrush does its job. Today I found myself gravitating to the front door. Upon glancing at my flowers, the sun shining brightly, my eye landed on Mr. Tree Frog in the most unusual spot.

There he was, his tiny derriere hanging over the pole, while he seemed to be surveying the neighborhood atop the pole that holds my decorative flag. This flag, a new one I just purchased on Sunday. The other one I had for quite a few years which was now faded from the sunlight. 

As the toothbrush whirled in my mouth I chuckled out loud. It was just too cute! While I took it as Mr. Tree Frog approved of the new flag, it was such a delightful sight that just made my morning.

No message really. Or perhaps just the universe’s way via Mr. Tree Frog, letting me know to not take life too seriously and have some fun. Maybe a message for you too?

Whatever the case may be, I’ve been smiling all morning long and I hope this brought a smile to you, too.

Happy Day to you!



Unexpected Moments

Unexpected moments

There we were. My friend Miss Marie and I talking about my potted geranium outside my front door.

Marie encouraging me to take the plant in for the winter when the time comes. I’ve always admired her geraniums in pots set in wrought iron stands nailed onto the side of her garage. Me a not-so-green thumb wanting to learn how to keep a geranium alive over the cold months to see it bloom again next spring — just like Miss Marie does so very well.

So involved were we in the details of the process that we almost missed the sweet little creature not saying a peep.

But when I all of a sudden spotted him and I squealed with delight! Oh, Mr. Tree Frog, look at you, blending in to the green leave of the plant…. and eavesdropping on our conversation!

Those unexpected moments that lift you onto a cloud and make your heart smile.