There is a bit of autumnal feel to the air here the last two days. It makes me yearn for fall as it is my most favorite time of year.
And as always happens when I feel a hint of fall I get this feeling that runs through me, one of excitement, melancholy, and snuggling in all mixed together. I then have to text my best friend, my Sistah V, as I know she is feeling this autumnal-ness (is that a word?!) too.
She also happens to be my birthday buddy in that our birthday’s fall on the same day. Here we were being silly with cool whip on our noses before we dived into the creamy, ooey jello desert she made for us as we celebrated our special day last week. And yes, we had birthday hats cause a girl is never too old to wear one!
I just can’t imagine my life without her. We’ve been through so much together already. I try not to worry what is to come if she should leave this earth before me. But with this sense of our lives that stretch out shorter than longer now, each birthday becomes that more special.

What is to come is something that floats through my mind with different things at different times. But this is life. We can’t always know what is to come, but to trust that it will all be as it should.
I think of this as I’ve been feeling stuck this week and not being able to work on my new book. So I gave myself a break from it the past two days. It’s a time I lean into the unknown and trust that soon enough I’ll be called back to the page (or in my case the keyboard).
What is to come may be unknown, but it’s in this in-between space, that I listen inwardly, and value and appreciate this sacred time, and trust that grace will guide me just as it always has.
And what is to come this evening that is tugging at me is to envelop myself in my new sweatshirt, two sizes bigger than I’d normally wear, that my dear Johnnie brought home for me from a lumber yard he does business with, a fire in the chiminea, snuggle with Gidget, page through Cottage Journal magazine, and relish in the crispness in the air, and the love of home and my life as it is in this moment.