
Joyful Paws Website Is Getting A New Look


I hesitated in sharing my new website design so soon… as it will be a while yet before my new site goes live… but I’m just so excited that I wanted to share. I’m pretty sure this is very close to what the design will ultimately end up to be. I still have work to do in brainstorming a tag line… but I’m well on my way and working with my marketing consultant, Mary Shafer in regards to a tag line.  Caryn Newton of Lantern Glow Design is the wonderful designer who came up with my new look based on our conversation of my vision.

With my new, first nonfiction adult book coming out late 2012/early 2013 it was time that my website be re-done to reflect a new vision for Joyful Paws going forward. While I will still have a big focus on Frankie and my work with her, I also am excited about planning for future ideas/projects.

As my new book is going through the editing process I have also not felt comfortable with the title of my book so my consultant, Mary is helping me with that too. We are very close to having a new title that seems more fitting and I’m really excited about sharing it once we have that nailed down.

Sometimes I sit here, in my little writing studio, looking out into my neighborhood, and my heart swells with pure joy. I love my life. Sure, it has it’s ups and downs and doubts, but I could have never dreamed I would have written a children’s book series or be on my way to publishing my first adult nonfiction book.

I remind myself daily to listen to the whispers in my heart… to follow those whispers… to live my authenticity… and look for the good all around me. There is much good to be found. And so often in the simplest of things and moments. And two sweet dogs, one loving husband, caring friends and family, and one loving and supportive mom, are my reminders of how much I have to be grateful for.

So while I welcome your thoughts on Joyful Paws new look, I also know to trust my heart and my heart feels so at home with the new look of my website. Life is good.