As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I’ve stepped away from posting to my blog for awhile as I embark on a 7-week personal mastery program. But also said I may pop in now and then…and so here I am!
Have you ever been blessed with insight from an animal that it changed your life for the better?

This month in celebration of the one year anniversary of my second memoir, Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift, I want to continue to share the wisdom that a wee little black and tan dachshund named Joie, brought to my life.
Today through Sunday, October 15th you can purchase the e-book version for $2.99
It’s that wisdom gained that I know without a doubt that Joie wants me to continue to share and be in service in helping other’s walk their path with more clarity, peace, and understanding.
I’ve not been the same since Joie came into my life and then transitioned into spirit ten months later…
- I’ve evolved and expanded to a deeper understanding of what purpose is.
- I’ve discovered that there are blessings to be found when in transition.
- I’ve realized we are never alone and spiritual signposts are there for us to discover if we open to receive them.
- I’ve realized that the most valuable gift we can give ourselves is the time to slow down, listen to our inner thoughts, welcome the sweet stillness of being, and then move forward in a new enlightened and empowering way.
So what is my vulnerable confession?
I didn’t do much promoting of this book when I published it in 2016.
Because I was scared. I was scared of what other’s might think. And just when I thought I’d gotten past this issue as I wrote about it in my first memoir, “Through Frankie’s Eyes.”
But alas, I am human with real fears just like anyone else and I am a work in progress.
I was afraid to say that I believe in working with oracle cards to gain deeper understanding not only of myself, but of my connection with Spirit. It was during a two month sabbatical that I felt called to journal daily from from the guidance of oracle cards to help me find my way again as I write about in Wisdom Found in the Pause.
But I was afraid that other’s may reject me and think it strange – or worse yet, that they (oracle cards) are evil – and the belief that there is only one way in which we can connect with our Creator.
In reality, my belief in the mystical view of life has brought me even closer to Spirit and truly, given me an even deeper understanding of who I am as an individual and that I am a spark of the Divine – as we all are.
Not only have my dogs shown me this to be true in many ways, but animals in the wild too, along with signs in nature, and using oracle cards as a tool while journaling insight I received from them (and continue to) which brought me back home to what I already believed deep down inside.
But I’m now stronger in my resolve to stand in my truth and that I believe Spirit talks to us in many ways. It is Spirit that is always here for us and that we are a part of Spirit, not separate like we’ve been conditioned to believe.
And so purpose becomes about being in alignment with your truth, connected to Spirit. To continue to evolve, it’s about finding a way what works for you to stay connected with Spirit that guides us and helps us to step more fully into our personal power.
this I believe is the true purpose for which we came to this earth to experience and why we are here at this time…
to move fully into compassion and kindness and to live our lives according to what we define as meaningful, despite what society may deem so.
And so with my confession on the table, I am in deep gratitude to the dogs in my life that have worked tirelessly on my behalf to help me move more fully into my own power.
It is in part because of the lessons learned from them I am being called to offer a new service soon to help empower and guide others as an Intuitive Guide and Reader of Oracle Cards. I hope you will stay tuned for that announcement!
For now I thank you for reading my confession and being a part of my community…
and I say once again from my heart…
thank you for walking this journey with me. I appreciate each and every one of you. XO
“My life has been turned upside down the last few months and I have been struggling with which direction to go in. I went through a whole set of emotions, anger, guilt, fear, and dread as I spent my summer worried about where my life was headed. After reading “Wisdom Found In The Pause” I felt such a sense of relief that it was okay that I felt all these emotions. This book will not only resonate with animal lovers, but with anyone seeking a more fulfilling life.” ~Lori Kattre Helke
“We’re busy, and in our busyness we sometimes lose our way and begin to find significance in what we do rather than who we are. Then, a pivotal event occurs that affects our chosen work and draws our attention to the fact that we’re out of balance. We try to push on, but find we’re traveling in a circle and return to the place that shook us and the lessons we missed. This is a book for anyone who understands the profound joy our animal companions bring to our lives. It’s also for those who find themselves in a tailspin of seeking significance by doing, reminding us that pausing amidst the cacophony is what allows us to hear the whisper of truth so we can stand strong and move ahead.” ~Linda Hoye
This memoir reads like a meditative guide to life. The challenges faced and the lessons learned from Joie made a lasting impression on me. I feel enriched and inspired for having read it. A heartwarming memoir with a powerful message about the lessons our pets can teach us. ~Kathleen Pooler
Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift e-book version available here on Amazon at special $2.99 price through Sunday, October 15th.