This is going to be so incredibily fun!! I met Dayna Hilton, volunteer Firefighter, Author and Educator and her dog Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog via Facebook about a year ago. We have corresponded weekly and our passion of helping children, along with our special dogs, has us coming together to actually finally meet in person… and dog! Along with Frankie and Sparkles’, Dayna and I will do some very special projects while they are here in Wisconsin (traveling from Arkansas), so I wanted you all to be the first to know!

Two Dogs Rollin’: Frankie and Sparkles Big Adventure 2010
Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog Shows Local School Children How To Get Low and Go and
Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Encourages School Children to Help those with Special Needs
Friday, April 9th, 2010 10:30am and 1:00pm
WHO: Sparkles, a fire safety savvy Dalmatian resplendent in her red service vest along with her human mom, educator and volunteer firefighter Dayna Hilton.
Frankie, an exuberant disabled dachshund outfitted with special harness to help her walk along with her human mom, author and educator, Barbara Techel.
Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah Elementary School
Western Canada Elementary School
WHAT: History in the making! After meeting on Facebook and Skype this past year, Sparkles and Dayna travel from Arkansas to meet Barbara and Frankie at their home in Wisconsin. They are coming together for this first time ever event to help children stay safe in case of a fire, and to encourage children to be of service by helping those with special needs. They will first present in person (and dog!) to elementary students at Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah Elementary School. They will sign books and pose for photos. They will then present via webcam and the technology of Skype from Barbara’s home in Elkhart Lake to Karen Keys, teacher librarian, and students from a elementary school in western Canada.
WHEN: 10:30 a.m. and 1:00pm, April 9th, 2010
WHERE: Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah Elementary School at 10:30am followed by 1:00pm presentation via Skype from Barbara and Frankie’s home in Elkhart Lake.
WHY: As children follow the adventures of Sparkles, they learn valuable fire safety tips enabling them and their families to keep safe. These tips include recognizing the firefighter as a helper and friend, knowing the sound and purpose of a smoke alarm, learning how to crawl low under smoke, and understanding the importance of practicing a home fire drill using an escape map. Also as children follow the adventures of Frankie, they learn how to be positive when faced with any challenge. They learn despite a challenge they can be of service and help out in their communities. Along with Sparkles, Frankie will encourage children to be aware of those with special needs in the event of a fire to help them stay safe as well.
VISUALS: Sparkles, Dayna, Frankie, and Barbara will show:
· How Sparkles teaches children to get low and go in case of a fire
· How to get low and go to your outside meeting place
· Knowing the sound and importance of smoke alarms
· The importance of being of service and helping those with physical challenges stay safe.
· Sparkles and Dayna’s book “Sparkles the Fire Safety Dog.”
· Frankie and Barbara’s “Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog” book series.
OTHER: Both dogs love children, educating them on fire safety and being of service and going to work, while both mom’s of these special dogs are grateful for the opportunities their dogs have brought them and are passionate in helping and encouraging children of all ages. For more information please visit their blog