I’m always so inspired by the fall season! So I shot a video of my writing cottage all decked out for fall on the outside. But on the inside, I take you around my 10 x 12 space and share an update of how it continues to evolve and support my creative endeavors, along with something I’ve been contemplating for some time. And that is, a change in the name from calling it my Writing Cottage to….well, you’ll just have to give a listen to find out. Enjoy the tour!
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Every book I’ve ever written a faithful dachshund has been right beside me…first Frankie, then Joie, and now Gidget. As I finish up production of Wisdom Found in the Pause – Joie’s Gift tying together all the many different parts to bring you a special edition gift package soon, I had to take a moment and hug my little Miss G, and thank her for being my steadfast, patient friend. How could I not stop what I was doing and give this face a smooch, right?
Best writing tool this writing girl could ever ask for! I highly recommend one for every writer!
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