
My “She Shed” (A.K.A. Zen Writing Cottage) to Be Featured in Book

My “She Shed” (A.K.A. Zen Writing Cottage) to Be Featured in Book

I’m pretty excited to share that my “She Shed” or as I like to call it, my Zen Writing Cottage, will be featured in a book coming out in May 2016 from Affirm Press publishing.

I never, ever thought the day I decided I needed a space of my own that someday it would be in a book!

When the publisher contacted me a few weeks ago, I love what they said about their mission about this project, as it lines up with my philosophy.

“Through this project we’re hoping to celebrate women’s spaces and promote female creativity, artistry and design. This book could be both a comfort and an inspiration to women everywhere who aspire to design and create their own private spaces.”

I have no doubt this book will inspire many to start thinking of carving out a space of their own. Imagine how we can uplift this world with more creativity!

I can’t wait to see it in print and will keep you posted once it is available so stay tuned.

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A (video) Peek Inside (and outside) My ‘She Shed.’

A Peek Inside My 'She Shed.'

In order to follow inner wisdom, we have to first know it. In order to know it, we have to hear it; to hear it, we have to be still. – Anne D. LeClaire

With all the talk about ‘She Sheds’ lately and having the honor of having mine profiled on Today.com, ABCnews.com and the interview I did with Weekend Sunrise out of Australia, I thought it would be fun to give you a sneak peek inside (and outside) the place I love to be everyday.

To be in silence and hear myself think has been such a gift in so many ways and my ‘she shed’ has been my sanctuary for that and so much more. Though as many of you know, I still prefer to call this my Zen writing cottage.

Little did I know when my husband built this 10 x 12 quaint space for me in 2009 that they would become such a trend as they are today. But if they encourage others to find their creativity and listen to their hearts, as I did, well, then I say, go for it!

I put this little video tour together in hopes that it will be inspirational to those wishing to carve out a little place of their own. Everyday I’m so thankful for this sweet spot in my backyard that has evolved over the years and has been the place I come to continue to grow and be the best that I can be.

Be sure to watch until the very end when I share my favorite spot inside my writing cottage.

Enjoy the video tour!

Little Did We Know…It was All Aligned in the Stars


It was already in the making, aligned in the stars, this moment of serendipity that would take a few years before it made itself known.

Walking alone in the vast, vacant cement parking structure, I realized I was sweating even though it was chilly for March. It was a cold, nervous sweat.

I don’t like to travel alone or stay in a hotel by myself for that matter. Somewhat of a homebody, I feel better tucked into my own surroundings.

But this was important to me. I had to be here, even if it meant going by myself again and not knowing anyone.

As I made my way closer to the door I saw another lone solider heading in the same direction.

We smiled at each other.

She said, “Are you by chance going to the writer’s conference?”

“I am.” I said.

“Do you mind if I walk with you? I’m not sure where to go.”

“That would be great. I was here last year, but still get nervous coming to these things by myself,” I said.

I was relieved and excited all at the same time to have a writing kindred spirit beside me as we navigated our way through the large building.

“My name is Abby.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Abby. My name is Barbara.”

One thing led to another as we talked about, well, what else? Writing!

Having just published my first children’s book two months prior, Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog, I shared with Abby that it was about my dachshund who was in a wheelchair.

Her face lit up and she said, “I have a dachshund named Ernie!”

Before I knew it all my nervous energy fell away.

Any chance to talk with a fellow lover of the the short-legged, oftentimes comical, loyal and lovable breed of doxie’s is a joyous occasion. And to combine it with talking about writing, well, I was floating on a cloud.

We could have talked doxie’s and writing through the whole 3-day conference, missing out on all the classes.

But we were both eager to learn all we could about writing and publishing so we contained ourselves the best we could and not getting too carried away.

Abby would end up asking me for a signed copy of my book, which I just happened  to have a few copies with me. She said she was excited to share Frankie’s story with her kids.

We parted ways after the conference, promising to keep in touch. Lucky for us, Facebook was really beginning to be the trend for staying connected and we promised to “look each other up.”

It would be two years later when I got an email from Abby.

Ernie wasn’t able to move his back legs. While Abby feared it was Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) she was also relieved to know she could reach out to me for advice.

Having been through this with Frankie in 2006, I was able to provide her with helpful information and options.

But what most people want when their beloved pet becomes paralyzed, is to know there is hope.

I could give her that and reassure her.

And that serendipitous moment came flashing into my mind when we met two years before, walking through the cold and damp, cold parking garage.

It was serendipity that brought us together, but I also happen to believe that Spirit aligned it all perfectly…

All perfectly put in place to help Abby, and her kids who could go on loving and having fun with their beloved Ernie.

ernie 1

And for me to give back in a way that to this day gives me much joy when I can give hope to someone whose dog is diagnosed with IVDD.

And best of all, Ernie just celebrated his 11th birthday with this message Abby tagged me on via her Facebook page:

Happy 11th birthday to Ernie Dog! We’re so glad we’ve been able to give him 5 more years of happy life after his injury (and probably several more, with his stubborn streak!), thanks to a serendipitous meeting with Barbara Techel before it happened, who showed us what wheelie dogs are capable of!

Happy, Happy Birthday dear Ernie! Warms my heart to be a part of your beautiful journey. Keep on rolling!

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