writing process

Do You Listen to Your Soul?

IMG_1439 650We woke up to an icy morning after alot of rain overnight and thunderstorms.  I took some photos at lunch time-this one I added the new “light trails”effect in Picmonkey.

Rest of photos on Facebook.

I recently had a deep conversation with a friend. I love deep thinkers. Thinking outside things that sometimes don’t make sense, but in actuality it may be our soul trying, sometimes begging, to tell us.

As she shared her fascinating and intriguing story, my heart leapt back to a memory a few years ago. I don’t recall if I’ve shared this on my blog or not, so forgive me if I have.  But when I realized I wanted to write my book Through Frankie’s Eyes I felt myself struggling to begin. Something was holding me back. It was odd, because I really wanted to write the story, but there was just something tugging on my heart.

After talking with a friend she referred me to her friend who is a holistic healer.  Interestingly enough (though I call it synchronicity) I had met this same woman years ago at a writing conference. We would then meet again as I helped her with questions for writing her own children’s book. Now her name popped up yet again as someone who could maybe help unblock what was holding me back.

I really had no idea what to expect as I made the hour drive to see her. I was a bit nervous, but I was also open.

After talking for a little bit she then had me lie on a massage table. She put her hand on my heart and a hand cupped on my left ear. She then guided me into a meditation. I felt myself fighting the process at first, wondering how in the world this was going to help me.

Soon enough though I decided I wanted to trust the process because I really wanted the help. As she guided me into the meditation she had me pick a favorite spot I love to be. I told her I was on the deck of our house. It was summer. I could see my writing cottage and all the pretty flowers by the  front door. I then moved down into the little garden that is a few feet off the steps of our deck.

She said, “Is anyone else with you?”

I said, “Yes.”

“Who is it?”

“I’m afraid to say.”

“Is it an angel?”


“I see only feet and they have sandals on.”

“It’s okay. You can share who it is.”

I was hesitant and questioning if this was who I was really seeing- was it real?

Finally I said, “I see God.”

Though I didn’t see a face. For me I take that as my wondering if God is male or female or just is. I don’t really know the answer to that.

I felt safe in that place with my God.  She continued the questions asking what my fears were.

It suddenly rose up in me and I felt myself ready to burst out crying. I knew the answer. Again, I was afraid to say. Afraid if I did, it would come true.

But I finally said the words I didn’t want to speak out loud, “I’m afraid if I write this book, Frankie will die.”

My heart was beating so fast the minute I said it and put it out there, while at the same time I felt this huge relief.

It came flooding back  again as my friend was sharing with me what her soul may be trying to tell her.  I didn’t want to begin the book about my life with Frankie because I truly believed my soul knew she would leave shortly after I finished the manuscript. I somehow let myself believe that if I didn’t begin, I could keep her with me forever.

As most of you know, she is with me in a new way– and a way in which I’ve evolved even further into my spiritual belief’s. She knew exactly the right time to move on and she knew when she did we would always be connected.

I’m so glad my friend helped remind me of this powerful experience I had years ago, because as I reflect on it today I find a great peace with it. It is also a reminder, I think, to listen to our heart… listen to our soul. Listen very deeply as the answers truly do lie there.

On this weeks Joyful Paws Blog Tour I’m featured on Linda Hoye’s blog,  A Slice of  Life Writing. I invite you to stop by and check out my guest post, “Trust the Writing Process – Trust Your Writing Process.”

Just Start

I’m often asked how to write a book. The simple and short of it is, just start. Sound too simple?  Well, you really don’t need to make it complicated. We tend to do that. At least I did it – and still have to remind myself. At the beginning I would search for ways in which to make my writing easier.  A schedule, certain time of the day, shortcuts, read how other writer’s did it, etc. But having just finished another major edit to my new book Through Frankie’s Eyes I can say without a doubt that the answer to writing a book is unequivocally, just start.

I scheduled one to two hours every other day at the beginning of writing my new book.  I scheduled myself into my appointment book the writing times I would adhere to, which was before I did anything else. This worked for me. As I got into writing my book I found myself going back to it other times during the day – near the end, I couldn’t stop and would write more often.  The process is going to be different for everyone – but just start.  Maybe you only have 15-minutes a day or perhaps 30-minutes.  Maybe you can only write 2 or 3 times a week or just on the weekends – but no matter what – just start.

It was quite the high when I had my manuscript printed out at my local printers and realized I had written a whole book – my first (well, nonfiction that is)!  It was exhilarating!  It is one thing to see your typed words on the computer, but to actually hold the manuscript in your hands is a feeling I’ll long remember.

Just like anything in life we can be our own worst enemy. We think there may be a shortcut or better way to do something so we put things off.  And this morning as I went to print off my grocery list which I thought I had saved after I put it together last night on my computer, I realized I didn’t save it.  Oh man, now I have to start all over again. I hemmed and hawed in my head about it and then reminded myself to just start – and before I know it I will have it done once again.

Seeing It in Print – One Step Closer – I’m a Work in Progress

Today I completed yet another full edit of my manuscript,Through Frankie’s Eyes. At the end of January my editor,Yvonne  left me with the task of editing the majority of my manuscript with suggestions/comments she made on a portion of it. Because I have a limited budget to work with and Yvonne believes in helping authors be better writer’s, I had a lot of work ahead of me.

My initial reaction was that I didn’t want to do it. I felt defeated when she suggested I go through the rest of the manuscript and make improvements based on her suggestions. But after sitting with it a day, I realized I was too anxious to move through the process. I was frustrated it was going to now take longer. Once I made peace with that, I dove right back into it – little by little – each day. As I got into it I felt embarrassed for things I should have caught the first time around – but no use in beating myself up for that now – no time for it. I’m a work in progress.

Today after finishing up with the last edits to the last chapter, I felt elated – I did it!  Anxious for step two of my editing process I drove to the printers and had the manuscript printed out. I had to pay extra to have it done right away, but I didn’t care. I was ready. When the gentleman handed my printed manuscript to me, I got goosebumps.

I made my way out to the car where Frankie was waiting in her doggie car seat. I skimmed through my manuscript and seeing it all in print made me realize that I had now actually written a whole book – tears filled my eyes. I looked at Frankie and patted her on the head – this manuscript I held in my hands is all because of her – my dog on wheels who led the way to me finding my authenticity.

Tomorrow I’m looking forward to taking my printed manuscript along with a red pen and heading to a new coffee shop nearby to start a line by line edit for any other changes I need to make – of which I am sure there will be more. But I can accept that every change I make is another step closer to being a better writer. I’m willing and ready. I’m a work in progress and I love it.