
My Sabbitical Complete. I’m Happy to be Back.

view from my writing cottage window 1200

Dear Friends,

I am back.  My sabbatical complete in many ways. Thank you for your kind and compassionate patience as I took some time to clear my mind and refresh my soul.

When I decided to leave my blog and newsletter  in September, I felt quite empty. I felt like I had nothing more to give. Being someone who enjoys sharing, inspiring and encouraging others, I felt I just couldn’t offer any of those things with how I was feeling. At the same time, it was very hard to step back and trust that this was the right thing to do. It’s  important to me to be as positive as I can and share that with others, so when I felt I just couldn’t do that, I knew it was time to step away for awhile.

One big thing I’ve realized is how important sabbatical’s really are. Our Western society doesn’t seem to put enough value on them.  Though I had many moments of restlessness thinking I should just jump back in, I stayed the course. That in itself I am proud to have achieved.

I will share more about what I’ve learned through my sabbatical as I dive back into my daily blogging and bi weekly newsletter.  But I want to also acknowledge that there may be circumstances in others’ lives that two months like I did, is just not possible.  But I do believe we can find ways to carve out time, even small moments, in our everyday lives to simply just “be.” It is something that is no doubt a practice and one that I am going to try to practice more often.  Maybe not in two month increments, but broken down in smaller moments.

Journaling was something I did everyday as I went through grieving the loss of Joie, wondering about where I go from here, and thinking about what is important to me.  I’ve come back to the very same things I knew for certain when I left:

*I love writing and connecting with all of you, writing about dachshunds, dogs, animals, IVDD, and living a meaningful, joyful, and simple life.

*I will continue to be an advocate for dogs with disc disease (IVDD) and dogs in wheelchairs.

*I want to bring another special needs dachshund into my life.

I still consider myself in the exploring stage of anything other than this. But I continue to do work around that by gathering articles, information, etc. that speaks to me, as well as taking more time to read about avenues that interest me.

The above photo is of a new view from my desk in my writing cottage. During my sabbatical I did some rearranging and my desk now faces southeast which it never has before. A new perspective as I reflected (and continue to) about many things.

I’m happy to be back. It is my hope that with what I’ve learned for myself during sabbatical will serve to inspire and encourage you to do what you feel is best for you to live your best life.

Why I Write.

lake michiganOn the shore of Lake Michigan in Manitowoc, WI– a photo I snapped with my Smartphone

I think I’ve always been better at expressing how I feel through writing than talking. Sometimes when I try to say how I feel it gets all jumbled up. But when I write I can take my time and think about what I want to say.  Though sometimes my mind gets way ahead of my fingers and I can’t keep up!

I write to express what my heart is feeling, share my passion and to encourage and inspire others. This does not mean it is easy. At times I don’t know what to write about. Other times it is hard to write things down that feel scary to share.  But I do want to make a difference. I know I won’t resonate with everyone, but making the difference in one life is worth it… more than worth it.

I was reminded of this today with a call I got today from a 71-year old trucker whose dachshund rides with him. He told me he wanted to order a copy of my book because of his deep love for doxie’s. I pictured this sweet man, his doxie riding beside him, cruising down the highway of life. He resonated with my love of dachshunds. His little one having just recovered from hurting her back after jumping out of his truck, which she had never done before.

I could tell in his voice the pain it caused him that this happened to his sweet girl. But she was now better and he was relieved.  He told me he didn’t use the computer much, but his wife had told him about my book. He looked me up and gave me a call.

This is why I write. For moments like these when I connect on the heart level of another human being- that my story resonates with them. As scary as it was for me to share some things about myself in my book, I smile picturing this trucker sitting with his little dachshund on his lap, relating to, and enjoying my story.

To inspire…


make a difference…

touch another heart…

this is why I write.

How Vulnerability Can Be A Beautiful Gift in Memoir Writing– Plus Giveaway for a Copy of “Through Frankie’s Eyes”

Max, our Golden boy, reads about Frankie

Kathy’s dog, Max even thought he should perhaps read ” Through Frankie’s Eyes”

If someone would have told me years ago that being vulnerable is actually a beautiful thing, and not a weakness, I think I would have saved myself a lot of heartache.

This week on my Joyful Paws Jaunt blog tour Kathy Pooler hosts me on her memoir blog. Kathy is such a kind and open soul.  She cares deeply about helping others write their memoir’s as well as encouraging others to share their story.  We talked in early February about what might be best for a guest post for me to write for her blog.  Being scared to write ones story came up for me as I was soon launching my new book.  It was also relevant to Kathy as she is working on her memoir as well.

Vulnerability really struck a chord with each of us, as well as we believe for others, so the subject seemed a good one to write about.  So I invite you to click on over to Kathy’s blog and check out my guest post.  Please do leave a comment and you will have a chance to win a copy of “Though Frankie’s Eyes.”  Even if you have purchased a copy, still do leave a comment and if you win, giving my book might be a great gift for a friend.

There really seems to be much talk about vulnerability lately with Dr. Brene Brown sitting down recently to talk with Oprah about her book Daring Greatly after researching and studying vulnerability and shame for the past twelve years. If more of us embrace vulnerability and leave shame behind, imagine the possibilities!

**If you have read my book and would like to have your dog featured on my special board on Pinterest, please do email me (barb (at) joyfulpaws (dot) com) your dogs photo posing with my book!**