
My Yogi Master.


How lucky am I to have Frankie as my Yogi Master?

In the last few months I’ve really come to love my daily Yoga practice. I like that it is called a practice. For so many years the only reason I worked out was to stay in shape and be a certain size. I’m not saying I still don’t want to attain those things, but I’ve become gentler and kinder with myself if I don’t always stay on track. Yoga being a practice helps remind me of that. Some days I’m amazed at how well I did my Yoga workout, while other days I have a tougher time and the poses seem harder than they did the day before.

But as I’ve gotten into yoga more I love the mind, body and spirit connection I get from it. It helps balance me and keeps me more calm. When doing Yoga you can’t really let your mind wonder into the areas of struggle in your life, or you have a good chance of falling out of your poses. When I was struggling with some personal issues the last few weeks I found Yoga difficult to do, though I did it anyway. Practice was the name of the game those days since my mind was filled with worry and anxiety.

I always take Frankie with me downstairs where I have my mat and props set up. While I do a yoga DVD she is always sitting either right on the edge of my mat, or in front. I love how she seems to get the same benefits from it as I do… or at least I’m thinking she does. I don’t know for sure. But I do know it makes me smile when I am doing downward dog and there she is looking up at me.

As I move away from my mat and do some Pilate’s or free weights Frankie scoots on over to the mat and lies there while I finish working out, so I was able to capture this photo of her today. Good Yogi Master Dog, Frankie. Good Dog.