The Adventure Continues. A New School Presentation Starring Joie!


Yesterday I worked all day updating my presentation that I used to do with Frankie for school’s. Joie will now take the lead as the star of the show following in Frankie’s tire tracks. Still crossing my fingers all goes well and that Joie will enjoy a few outings to school’s if they will have us.

Trinity Lutheran will be having us visit next Friday, May 10th. They will be the big test for little Joie. I’m starting to get excited now that I practiced my presentation today. I’ll practice a few more times before then, but so far, so good.

It was fun choosing photos of Joie to show kids that even with a disability she can do many of the same things as dogs who walk on all four paws– and the lesson for them being that they can too, no matter their challenges.  I shouldn’t be surprised I’ve already built up quite a library of photos of sweet face, clown, Joie– but what fun I had choosing which shots to turn into slides.  Thought I’d share some of them with you, too.

I’ll still use Frankie’s books and read from the first one I wrote about her. In regards to instilling in children to make a difference despite challenges, I updated my talk to include National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day and the Frankie Wheelchair Fund.

I smile thinking about how this all came together. Never did I think after Frankie passed I’d be doing this again… but I am… and it feels good. The adventure continues.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my interview on Almost Perfect Pets: Disabled Pets and the People Who Love Them blog.  Also today made a donation from the Frankie Wheelchair Fund for a Dachshund named Bam Bam!  She will get her wheels soon!  Love when I get to do this!  If you’d like to help in our efforts with a donation please feel free to visit our website to make a contribution. As always, so grateful for our donors to make this all possible.


