Thank you to my friend, Diane for sending me a video of a dog, named Rex and a hummingbird, named Hummer that are friends after Rex rescued the little, sweet bird.
It really made my heart swoon! It brought up such a warm and profound moment when Frankie, my dachshund, two weeks after her passing came to me as a hummingbird, which I am absolutely sure of was her. It’s a story I share in my memoir, Through Frankie’s Eyes when a song came on the radio that reminded me of Frankie, and in that same moment a hummingbird buzzed over to where I was sitting on the deck and flitted back and forth within inches of my face for quite a few moments. That had never happened before. I liked to call Frankie my little hummingbird, so I know it was her letting me know she had made it to the other side.
So this story is especially heartwarming to me and I just had to share with you!
First, click here for a short clip of Hummer with Rex. Then below is a news story that was done about the man, hummingbird and dog. Bet you will find it just as endearing as I did!
Thank you to everyone who entered for a chance to win a copy of Honey, Have You Squeezed the Dacshund? An excellent resource for dachshunds who are prone to IVDD. The winner is Amy Burgstede! Congratulations!
If you’d like to purchase a copy it is now on Amazon.
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