9/20/16 UPDATE: Winners are Marilyn who posted her comment on Facebook and Jean who posted her comment here on the blog post. Congratulations! Jean, please contact me with your mailing address so I can mail you one of the birdies! And thank you Marilyn for providing your address – your birdie will go out in the mail this week. Enjoy!
My mom traveled first by boat and then by RV with her late husband, David for many years. She had many adventures and it’s always fun to hear about them. When John and I began our van conversion about two months ago my mom said we’d have to have a mascot that traveled with us. David and my mom had a little monkey that went everywhere with them when they traveled. They even lost him at one time on a trip, but backtracked their route and luckily found him.
I sure hope she does not mind me sharing this story, but I find it so endearing. David could be a tough cookie on the outside, but we knew better, and he absolutely had the biggest, softest heart when it came to animals. When David passed away almost two years ago, my mom put the monkey in with David in his casket. That touched a place deep in my heart. This trip would be solo and I’m sure my mom didn’t want David to feel alone as he made his way to the other side.
And now our Van Camper or Camper Van (or what John has now dubbed, “The Vamper” to make it easier), also called Second Chance, now has her mascots! I’m thinking those of you that have followed me for quite some time would have been hoping it would be a dachshund and/or Labrador. While I wouldn’t have minded that, I wanted our mascots to be something that John and I both shared in common. Not that we don’t both love dogs, because we do.
But you might recall in a previous post, I wrote about a song that John and I identify with and have called “our song” since we first began dating when I was 15 1/2 and he was 19. The song is by Tanya Tucker, Two Sparrows in a Hurricane. Thinking about this, I just knew we had to have two little birdies to accompany us on road trips.
So meet our little feathered traveling mascots – John on the left and me on the right. I think they are perfect for us and my whole insides fill up with love when I look at them. And as my mom says, John and I are two peas in a pod, and we are two little birdies also that enjoy exploring and taking flight together on many things.
And now for a giveaway! Our little birdie mascots came in a set of four – and being we only need two, I want to pass on the birdie love! So I’m giving away two of the birds. There will be two winners chosen. So just leave a comment in the comment section of this post or on Facebook as I know many of you catch my posts there and tell me your favorite place you’ve traveled to or would like to travel. Enter by midnight cst Monday, Sept. 19th. I’ll notify winners on Sept. 20th (open to US residents only).
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Past posts for Have Van Will Travel Journal
The Adventure Has Begun. New Home on Wheels. Who’d of Thunk?