This was my view at the end of my feet for most of the day today. Not at all what I had planned.
So this funny human being who thinks when not doing she isn’t accomplishing anything, I was reminded again the practice of patience and the art of being.
A week ago Sunday in my eagerness to organize my writing cottage to make room to play with art journaling, I realized the next morning when I could barely move without pain and then a visit to my chiropractor, I was told I sprained my back.
My mind is raring to go with working on my book and other fun projects I have in mind to dabble in. This is not what I wanted to hear.
While I’m making progress slowly each day with my healing, and told it is a 4-6 week process, I was having a down day today as the pain was back again almost as if I’d not made any progress at all.
Sometimes you just have to give in to what is. No use grumbling about it, though I’ll be honest and I had a small pity party this morning when I got home from the chiropractor.
But then I decided to snap out of it and go with the flow of what I was being handed. A rainy day, it was perfect to snuggle on the sofa and alternate heat and ice all day on my back, with sessions of stretching throughout the day.
At one point I looked at Gidget, nestled in her bed at the end of my feet, and I just had to laugh. Her little tongue was sticking out the side of her mouth due to a canine tooth missing on that side. The perfect message that when life does not go as planned, go ahead and stick your tongue out at what feels like the unfairness of it all, but then look at all the positive of what came from today.
Like watching videos on art journaling which was fun, reading a good book, listening to the rain, watching the birds, and spending time with Gidget. Indeed I have much to be grateful for and tomorrow is another day.
And time for me to sign off and get back to the sofa!