I ran across a saying today by Will Rogers. I can't believe I haven't run across it sooner, but I'm glad I did now.
"When I die, if there are no dogs in heaven, than I want to go where they went." -Will Rogers
boy! That is exactly how I feel! That saying went right into my journal I keep that is specifically for sayings I run across about dogs and animals.
I've lost six animals so far in my life (5 cats and one dog). After losing Cassie Jo three years ago, one thing that comforted me was the fact I have a very strong knowing and belief that I will see her again. I just know when I get to heaven she will be there waiting, her tail wagging, a tennis ball in her mouth, and those brown eyes melting back into mine. I think my cats will be frolicking in a nearby field and will each take a turn cuddling on my lap while I sit in awe of heaven.
I am in no way ready to leave this earth as there is so much I believe God has for me to do yet… but, I don't fear it like I used to when I was younger. My faith in knowing I will see all my animals again helps me not to fear death, and also helps me with the passing of animals that will surely be a part of my life yet. The joy I find in each of my animals is worth the risk of knowing they will likely leave before me, but the faith in knowing we will reunite again helps lessen the pain of loss. So if heaven is not where the dogs (all animals for that matter) are, then I won't be there, I will be where they are. But, I just have this feeling that they really are in heaven… after all, I don't think it would truly be heaven if they weren't.