Working Dog on Lunch Break

The Working Dog

As I often do, once or twice a week, I head into town to our popular cafe, Off the Rail, for a little bite to eat. It’s a nice break in my day and I also like that I can be among people for a little while since I often work alone.

Today as I pulled up I saw this adorable dog. He appeared to be waiting for his person.

I chuckled to myself and just had to get a picture, because it looked as if he too was on his lunch break.

I was pretty sure I knew who he belonged to, as I’ve seen him hanging out in the back of a pick up truck now and then when I’ve been at Off the Rail before. Though I’ve always wondered what his name is.

But sure enough, as I was walking through the door of Off the Rail, Joe, a local landscaper was leaving with his brown bag of goodies.

I asked him if that was his dog waiting for him in the truck. He said it was and that his dogs’ name is Nitschke (not sure on the spelling).

As I drove back home I pictured in my mind these two working buddies sharing a bit of lunch together and then heading back to work for the day. It brought a smile to my face and my heart.

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