Octopus Oracle Message – ARHO

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Soft and graceful but strong and dynamic, Octopus, with its eight limber limbs and three exquisite hearts, gently nudges you to come out of hiding.

When danger is near, Octopus relies on its ability to camouflage itself from predators. Though it understands you’ve also felt the need to do this, Octopus is asking you to lean into the art of the pause and breathe through those times when you’re in a scared or fearful state.

Due to the structure of its body, Octopus requires a great deal of oxygen to sustain life. It is encouraging you to inhale and exhale love through your heart while compassionately feeling into your fears. Gently allow them to flow through you without judgment, then release the emotions tied to inadequacy in order to ease into feeling safe and comforted within your own skin.

Each time you exhale, visualize your energy field like the long and elegant limbs of Octopus, extending out and expanding fully as you trust the Universe has your back. Natural healing happens when we center ourselves in the here and now, and allow ourselves to be heard.

While an aspect of you likely went into hiding out of fear, Octopus assures you are worthy of living life to the fullest. Open yourself to forgiveness and acceptance. Then observe with delight as you experience a shift into a deeper sense of happiness, wonder-filled moments, and peace. You are protected and it is safe to be you.
