Paying Attention to My Corner of the World. Are You Paying Attention?


I wonder how often we pay attention to the things right in front of us as well as right around us. This was something I became very aware of when I gave myself the gift of a life coach many years ago. I was yearning for more fulfillment in my life and didn’t know how to go about finding that for myself.

As I went through the coaching process I found myself seeing things right in front of me that I had never seen before. The colors of the world seemed to explode right before me. I wondered why I had never seen this before. The sky was so blue, the green, green grass dancing in the wind, the dog prancing down a sidewalk happily, an older couple out on a walk holding hands.

I recalled years before working at a job that was a half hour from my home. I don’t recall enjoying ride there and back because I was usually worrying about one thing or another, or just not wanting to go to work. How much did I miss?

Once I began noticing nature around me, I wanted more and more. When my husband built my writing studio for me a few years ago, I said I wanted lots of windows. My studio sits on an angle so I am able to see all four corners of my neighborhood and I have 7 windows in my little 10 x 12 room.

Today as I glanced out my windows to the east I saw the light beginning to make its way down into the earth for another night. I quickly grabbed my camera and captured the photo (above). As I look at it is as if the trees in the background look like the tress are in full fall foliage, while the forefront definitely shows winter.  A few moments later I glanced back outside again… and the entire landscape changed… just like that… now early evening setting in, the sun having gone to sleep for the day.

It only takes a moment to capture a moment of nature that can take your breath away… make you appreciate how intricate and magnificient nature truly is… no matter what corner of the world you live in. If you believe it, you will see it.

Even my little Frankie appreciates her view out the window…


My Yogi Master.


How lucky am I to have Frankie as my Yogi Master?

In the last few months I’ve really come to love my daily Yoga practice. I like that it is called a practice. For so many years the only reason I worked out was to stay in shape and be a certain size. I’m not saying I still don’t want to attain those things, but I’ve become gentler and kinder with myself if I don’t always stay on track. Yoga being a practice helps remind me of that. Some days I’m amazed at how well I did my Yoga workout, while other days I have a tougher time and the poses seem harder than they did the day before.

But as I’ve gotten into yoga more I love the mind, body and spirit connection I get from it. It helps balance me and keeps me more calm. When doing Yoga you can’t really let your mind wonder into the areas of struggle in your life, or you have a good chance of falling out of your poses. When I was struggling with some personal issues the last few weeks I found Yoga difficult to do, though I did it anyway. Practice was the name of the game those days since my mind was filled with worry and anxiety.

I always take Frankie with me downstairs where I have my mat and props set up. While I do a yoga DVD she is always sitting either right on the edge of my mat, or in front. I love how she seems to get the same benefits from it as I do… or at least I’m thinking she does. I don’t know for sure. But I do know it makes me smile when I am doing downward dog and there she is looking up at me.

As I move away from my mat and do some Pilate’s or free weights Frankie scoots on over to the mat and lies there while I finish working out, so I was able to capture this photo of her today. Good Yogi Master Dog, Frankie. Good Dog.

Casting Call! American Dog Magazine Looking for Special Needs Pets!

American Dog Magazine is working hard to promote the blessings and joy that special needs pets bring to our lives. Do you have a special needs pet?  If so, let them know!  Your pet might be featured in the spring 2012 issue to help bring positive awareness and more adoptions of these special pets.
Email them directly with your pets name, age, and info, plus picture in high-res and 300 dpi.