Dodgerslist Now Provides an Educational DVD on IVDD

Dodgerslist is dedicated to helping pet parents whose dogs have been diagnosed with IVDD (intervertebral disc disease).  They were may ray of sunshine and such an amazing amount of help when Frankie was diagnosed with IVDD in 2006.

They have now put together an excellent educational DVD, All about IVDD: care & tips for living with disc disease.  It is broken down into 5 helpful sections:

  • Hope for all
  • Two Treatments
  • Living with IVDD
  • Expressing bladder and bowels
  • Disc Extras

I had the honor or previewing the DVD and I just have to say what a wonderful service Dodgerslist has done to help educate others and give them hope through this DVD.  If you own a dog, even it it is not a dachshund, this DVD is a must to have and review.  IVDD is very common in dachshunds but it can happen in other breeds as well, so best to be prepared and know your options.

The price is so affordable at $3.00 for the DVD.  Buy a copy today for yourself and one for your local veterinarian;s office to help spread the message that IVDD is not a death sentence and that there is hope.

And please help share this message about this wonderful education DVD and that there is hope by sharing with others.

Real Men Read Womans World

From my friend Cindy:

“I had Womans World on the table on the deck.  Jason (my son) picked it up and started paging through it. He came across your article. “Hey there’s that lady with the dog!” he said. I said nothing as he read the article.  He looked at me and said “There are good people.” And yes he did cry. You know how I cry over your stories. He is the same way.”

Thanks for sharing this Cindy and thank you Jason for being such a good sport and letting me share the photo of reading Womans World!

The July 19th issue with Frankie’s story will only be on newsstands a day or two more, so if you want a copy you will need to run out and get a copy!


Frankie the Walk ‘N Roll Dog Makes it on TV- WLUK Channel 11

A huge thank yoiu to producer/reporter, Liz Lohuis and camerman Tyler for doing this story about Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog and how one little 5-year old sweet boy, Cameron got to meet the character from the book he just read about Frankie! (To read story transcript visit WLUK.)