Frankie’s Story on Newsstands TODAY- in Woman’s World Magazine!

Ok, so our timing was a bit off… we thought the issue would debut Monday, July 12th… but found out TODAY that the issue is actually out on many newsstands as of today, July 8th.  So here is the cover and Frankie’s story is on page 40.

I can’t thank Woman’s World enough, as well as writer Kathy Fitzpatrick for capturing our mission in such a beautiful way.  I am so, so grateful.

Thank you also to Trisha Brunner of Legacy Studios for doing the photo shoot, as well as Hailey and McKayla Nack for being a part of the shoot.  Though their pictures didn’t make it in, I’m so grateful for their willingness to be a part of our very special day.

A big thank you to my husband, John who continually supports me in all that I do… as well as my mom who is so amazing in supporting me… and all my family and friends… thank you for sharing in our joy.  It means so much to me.

Enjoy the article!  And oh, yes, Frankie’s story will be featured on WLUK, Channel 11 this Sunday, July 11th at two different times.  One between 7:00a and 8:00a and then again between 9:00pm & 10:00pm.  If this is not a channel in your area, visit WLUK website for a live link!

Woman’s World & TV Station WLUK Channel 11 to Feature Frankie’s Story

Just a friendly reminder that Frankie's and my story will be featured in Woman's World magazine, which will hit newsstands July 12th, 2010.  This is a weekly issue, so you need to act fast if you want a copy.

Also, just today I was contacted by Producer/Reporter Liz Lohuis of WLUK Channel 11 News out of Green Bay, Wisconsin interested in doing our story.  Within the hour they arrived in Elkhart Lake to interview us.

Now, as you know, I believe that everything happens for a reason… well, the Universe was truly at work the past few days.  Yesterday I received a call from my best friend, Victoria who runs a group of our shops in our area called, The Feed Mill Shops.  One of the stores is a gift shop called CottageWood.  A family visiting from Illinois had been in the store that day looking for bug spray (the mosquito's are out in full force in our area).  Their 5-year old son, Cameron discovered Frankie's book which the store carries.  He kept returning to it when his Dad finally said, "Would you like that book Cameron?"  He enthusiastically nodded yes.

You see, little Cameron has a very big love for dachshunds and would like one of his very own someday (still trying to talk Dad into it).  He already has a name picked out for the someday wiener dog. He wants to name him or her, Unique.

As he was proudly carrying Frankie's book through the store Victoria saw him.  She told him how she knows Frankie personally.  She said, "I can't promise anything, but I might be able to arrange for you to meet Frankie."

Later yesterday I got the call asking if Frankie could come meet Cameron today.  We set it up for 11:00am. 

Around 10:00am is when I received a phone message from Liz at WLUK asking if they could interview me about my and Frankie's story– possibly today.  I jumped on the chance and said yes!  I shared with them how Frankie would be meeting Cameron for the first time… and that is how the morning unfolded… just as divine intervention had it planned.

What a lovely piece to add to the story of how Frankie's book affected this family, as well as, I have a feeling that little Cameron just might talk his Dad into a wiener dog of his own. <GRIN>

So stay tuned for the story to air.  If you are not in the area, I will hope to provide a link to the story.