My Dachshund Thermometer

I need not ever look at the outside thermometer or watch the weather channel to know if it’s cold outside. I knew it had to be quite cold today when I saw this scene on my bed this morning…

Yup that’s Frankie’s butt after she schnuffled under the bed pillow (schnuffle may not be a word in the dictionary but it is one in our household)…. and scroll down for proof that this is the butt that belongs to Frankie.



Seems like when you are a L O N G dog one can never get both ends tucked in!

We had a great visit to Notre Dame Elementary School today where one of my favorite questions was asked again. It’s usually a boy who asks, and yup, a young boy asked today:  “Does Frankie’s wheelchair ever get a flat tire?”  I told him that she has never had a flat tire, but one tire did come off once, so she was tipped to the side on her axel in the living room, whimpering till I came and jacked her back up again.  Kids always love that story!

Cold, frigid day here in Wisconsin today, but my heart was warmed with how excited all the kids were today to meet Frankie. It was a good day.


How Easy it is to Sing


Today as I ran out to my car to warm it up before running my errands I heard the birds singing away.  I thought to myself, “Didnt’ someone tell those birds it’s frigid outside today?”  It was below zero and a windchill to boot.

But then I stopped and thought, “Oh, how lovely, the birds ARE singing.”

How easy we can get into a funk on a bone chilling day. But the sun was shining and the birds were singing. That put warmth right into my heart and set the tone for my day. I found myself humming as I walked down the aisles of the grocery store.  I, myself, a bird, making the choice to sing no matter what.

“People are about as happy as they make their minds to be.”  ~Abraham Lincoln

Who Me? Poop In School?


Who me? Poop in school?

Today Frankie and I visited Jackson school. It was the second time they invited us back. As I was just getting into my presentation, Frankie decides she must poop right then. Well, I suppose when a girl has to go, she just has to go!

I calmy whisked her to the side, grabbed a plastic bag, and let her do “her thing.”  But of course, the kids could not let her poop in silence so there was a chorus of ewwwww’s, gross! and yuck! I found myself snickering as Frankie finished up her business.

Such a great teaching opportunity as I calmly said to the kids, “No big deal. This is a normal bodily function.”

I couldn’t help but think on the way home also about how I handled that all with a sense of calm. I guess after 325 appearances, one learns to just go with the flow. But I recall when I first wrote my children’s book and how I worried about writing about when she pooped in the waiting room of the vet’s office. I didn’t want to include that because I was embarrassed. But I was encouraged to include it, because others said kids would love it.  They were right. Every time I read the part in my book when Frankie pooped there is a scream of delight from the crowd- cracks me up every time.

It also reminds me of how at the beginning of Frankie’s paralysis and my frustration in trying to figure out the timing of when she’d have to go. I about went crazy cleaning up after her. But then one day realized, oh my gosh, it is only poop! There are way worse things in life. No big deal.

So as Frankie pooped in school today I was reminded of how far I’ve come. It makes me smile… and yes, even chuckle. But the best part is, I don’t get upset, but just keep moving forward with a sense of peace and calm. What a great place to be. Thank you my little dog on wheels for teaching me patience and humility.  Good dog, Frankie. Good dog.