A Special Thank You to Kylie

Kylie’s life hasn’t always been easy. But she has always gone with the flow, being the best dog she can be.  We brought her home from Tennessee two weeks before Christmas in 2005.  Six months later Frankie was diagnosed with IVDD.  All the attention of Kylie being a puppy was set aside as I learned to move through caring for Frankie. It was not an easy time and there were many stressful days. Just like a child whose sibling has special needs, and may not get as much attention as they need, Kylie learned to adjust and be on her own often.

Sometimes I do think it affected her and I feel bad for that.  Though I can’t change those difficult times, I do tell her often how much I love her, taking time to be with just her, one on one, hugging her and brushing her.

Now that Joie has joined the household it seems as if Kylie is happier. Not that she wasn’t happy when Frankie was here, but she just seems different. She seems more content and she loves playing with Joie.  For about the last two years of Frankie’s life, Frankie didn’t care to play when Kylie tried to egg her on.  Now it is Joie egging Kylie on and she is loving it.  There is a nightly mouth wrestling session on the bed, plus much romping around in the yard with Kylie tagging along behind or beside Joie.  They are quite the cute pair to see hanging out together… and it truly warms my heart.

To feel, and see,  that something good has shifted in Kylie makes me happy for her. I think her recent weight loss has alot to do with her feeling better too.  So I just want to say a special thank you, to my sweet bear of a dog, Kylie. You are the dearest dog, Kylie girl, and I want you to know I’ve always loved you very much– that will never change. Thank you for being such a good dog.

Meet Two More Recipients of The Frankie Wheelchair Fund


I don’t know a lot about Mammabean, but I do know she lives in Zambia, Africa.  She had so many people who helped to get her the wheelchair and the distance it had to travel. Wow!   Looks like Mammabean will continue to live a happy life and that makes my heart sing.


Facebook friend and Frankie and Joie fan, Cheryl Turner, was a huge help in being a wonderful resource for Crystal’s family leading them to the Frankie Wheelchair Fund and Eddie’s Wheels.  Here is what she emailed me about Crystal and her situation so I could share with all of you:

Crystal belongs to a lady that takes care of her sister and her mother.  Her sister is in a wheelchair secondary to cerebral palsey, and her mother is in a chair because of her age, I believe. Clearly this lady has a lot on her plate. The owner and the two chair bound women get a lot of pleasure playing with little Crystal. Crystal has both bladder and bowel control. Her owner was carrying her outside to potty several times a day, but otherwise she spent all day on a ‘Dora the explorer’ baby mattress. She has been unable to walk for about 4 months. She has weakening in her front legs from being immobile, however, with a little support under her tummy and some strengthening over time, it looks like she will be in great shape. Her tail told the entire story ! 

Her tail indeed does tell the whole story!  Click on this link to see Crystal learning to walk in her wheels, crystal2 movie

Please  join me in wishing Mammabean and Crystal the very best as she learns to live a full, happy, quality life in her Eddie’s Wheels wheelchair.

If you are interested in helping with our efforts to help dogs in need of wheelchairs (those in rescue or families in financial stress) please visit National Walk ‘N Roll Dog website where we have an on going Chip In set up.  As of this post today our funds are getting low and we can possibly help one more dog.  Later next summer I hope to do another fundraiser which I’ll announce here when I do.  But this fund is also a wonderful way in which to honor or memorialize your pet or a pet you may know.  I’m so grateful to everyone who has helped in donations to help the dogs we have. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Feel free to also join us on Facebook where we recently hit over 1,000 followers!

A Sweet Dachshund Surprise from Santa

I must have been a good girl this year. Guess I had Santa fooled, now didn’t I?  When I arrived home later Saturday morning after spending the night at my friend’s house, there was a package on my front stoop.  I squealed with delight (I wonder if Santa heard?) when I opened it to find these two fun dachshund items inside.  Aren’t they just darling? How on earth did Santa know I ADORE dachshund’s?  He is so very smart.  Though interestingly enough his handwriting looked an awful lot like my sister’s.  And for those of you wondering where these came from because you are chomping at the bit to get a scarf and coffee mug of your own, well, Santa shops at Kohl’s Department Store.