What Matters. New Morning Ritual.

20140916_071805The mornings are cooler and crisper. Snippets of fall color are appearing in the trees. Leaves on our maple tree are beginning to flutter ever so slowly down to the ground, one by one.

While I feel a sense of wanting to accomplish many projects, I also feel a tug of slowing down. Oh, the ebb and flow of life.

After Kylie eats her breakfast she makes her way back to bed to snuggle in for the morning. Oh, to be a dog!

A new morning ritual that began this weekend is that I lay a soft blanket over her. I love to take a few moments and linger by her side.  I lay my head on her side and stroke her head. I tell her how much I love her. I call her my little pony.

It’s all that matters. No matter what else the day may be full of, or what it may bring, this is what matters. Love.

Love for a dog who has taught me that I am enough. She loves me. All of me. And I love her. Oh, how I love her.

Our bond a steady stream of growth over the years. Growing richer and deeper with each passing day.

It’s what matters. It’s all that matters.

Autumnal Blessings

20140914_101202When autumn begins making its appearance, everything in me seems to shift. All feels right in my center. I don’t just love fall, I adore it!

Projects I’ve been thinking of seem to pick up speed and actually get done. Like my front door, which was blue for about the past five years or so. Ever since the day I painted it, I didn’t like the color once it dried. It bothered me every time I looked at it.

But I didn’t know what color to change it to. I can’t even tell you how many times I thought about a new color!

My house is a darker sage of green. I wanted a color that would go with the different seasons, plus the many holidays for decorating purposes.

And then I found it… an autumnal blessing… I painted it a lighter shade in the green family called “antiquity.” Just the name itself makes me happy.

What a difference painting my front door this color has made in my spirit!

20140914_120045Now I can’t stop staring at my front door!

As I looked closer at the photo I took of Gidget who wanted to be on my lap while I painted, but finally gave in to sitting off to the side, I see she looks to be in an almost meditative state. I guess the autumnal antiquity agrees with helping her to feel in balance too!

It will be another autumnal blessing soon when I bring out all my fall decorations – but for now I just had to enjoy a few days longer the summer floral on my freshly painted door.

Meet Davey: The 30th Dog Granted a Dog Wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

photo 2Another happy, happy day here at Joyful Paws headquarters! Meet Davey – the 30th paralyzed dog The Frankie Wheelchair Fund recently granted a wheelchair.

Davey was with Oregon Dachshund Rescue – but not for long before his new family came along to adopt him. And you know what is so great?  Davey has a new brother that looks just like him in that he too has wheels!

This is Mickey!

1426605_10151824291556242_558388138_nWhat a sweet and inspirational site it will be to see these two handsome wheelie fellows rolling down the street, don’t you think?

These two are in excellent care with their mom, BeBe who loves and adores these special dogs. I think she is pretty special too for not only caring for one, but now two!

***Wheelchair I recommend and work with for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund is Eddie’s Wheels.

Learn more about The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

You can learn more on our website, National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day where you can apply for funds or donate.