Meet Davey: The 30th Dog Granted a Dog Wheelchair through The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

photo 2Another happy, happy day here at Joyful Paws headquarters! Meet Davey – the 30th paralyzed dog The Frankie Wheelchair Fund recently granted a wheelchair.

Davey was with Oregon Dachshund Rescue – but not for long before his new family came along to adopt him. And you know what is so great?  Davey has a new brother that looks just like him in that he too has wheels!

This is Mickey!

1426605_10151824291556242_558388138_nWhat a sweet and inspirational site it will be to see these two handsome wheelie fellows rolling down the street, don’t you think?

These two are in excellent care with their mom, BeBe who loves and adores these special dogs. I think she is pretty special too for not only caring for one, but now two!

***Wheelchair I recommend and work with for The Frankie Wheelchair Fund is Eddie’s Wheels.

Learn more about The Frankie Wheelchair Fund

You can learn more on our website, National Walk ‘N Roll Dog Day where you can apply for funds or donate.